Chapter 14

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"You need to tread carefully. I think they are up to something" the voice from the other end of the phone stated.

"How do you know?"

"The Uchiha is there. He's with another guy, but only the Uchiha went up to the door."

"Where did the other guy go?"

"I don't know. I can only see Uchiha and Naruto though. They seem to be arguing."

"Did he let him into his apartment?"

"No. He's blocking the way. Trying to act like he doesn't care. Something he said just set Uchiha off though. I can feel his anger from here."

"Good" Sai hung up the phone and smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex.

He waited to get out of his car, not going anywhere near Shin's, just in case the other guy Sasuke was with, happened to be watching him. Smiling to himself, Sai got out of the car and started walking towards the building, slowly. He smirked as he heard the blond's voice. He was repeating everything Sai had drilled into his head over the last few weeks.

'Good boy' Sai thought to himself as he twirled his keys around his finger, whistling as he strolled. It wasn't long before he was met with Sasuke's anger and him grabbing his shirt.

"If anything happens to him, I will personally hunt you down" the raven spit before letting go.

Sai had to try very hard to hold back his laugh. The anger from the Uchiha was only fueling what Sai wanted to do now. He wanted to not only break Naruto, but it seemed as though he knew how to break the Uchiha too. He could play all of this to his advantage.

He had already come between the two best friends, so it wasn't going to be hard to drive that wedge even further. After all, he already had his obedient blond doing everything he said, in order to protect the Uchiha.

But Sai was smarter than that. He knew that Sasuke was capable of taking him down without any effort if it came down to a fight between them. He had to out smart the Uchiha if he was to accomplish his goal. And based on Sasuke's reaction just now, he knew exactly how to get to him.

Sai smiled as he made his way up to the blond's apartment. He was pleased with the door being locked, meaning Naruto really did try to keep the Uchiha out of his home. Opening the door with his key, he scoffed and rolled his eyes at the sight that was presented before him.

Naruto was curled up, hugging his knees, sitting next to his bed on the floor. He was definitely crying, though he tried hard to hold back his sobs, in fear of setting off his boyfriend.

Naruto visibly jumped as he felt an unfamiliar embrace. He held the breath that he had sucked in as he began to tremble. Sai hugging him made him more uncomfortable than anything else that had ever been done to him.

Naruto strained to hear his voice, as Sai whispered so low, it was almost inaudible. "We're being watched. You follow my every move and act accordingly, or else. Now hug me back like I'm trying to comfort your ugly ass"

Naruto reluctantly hugged the pale man back, still trying to hold his breath as he leaned his head on Sai's shoulder, careful not to get too close, but to look convincing.

"You better stop your fucking crying. It's annoying. " Sai stated in a low tone that shook Naruto to his core.

He couldn't help but tremble as he clutched Sai's shirt tighter. He had just broken the last connection he had with the outside world. The last piece of hope he held onto to get out of this god forsaken relationship. There was nothing left for him anymore.

Sasuke had been right, about everything he said. Naruto was purposely pushing him away even though he was terrified of being alone. And that's exactly what he was now.

Naruto was alone with a monster.


It had been almost a week and nothing from the camera was helpful to any of the boys that were trying to help the blond.

It was as if Sai knew they were being watched, and went out of his way to not get physical. The footage was nothing useful as it was just showing a normal relationship between two lovers. They had dinner together, watched movies, planned dates.. everything was normal.

The only thing that really stuck out to Kakashi, was the way they acted when they were intimate. Not only was Naruto's body language was still quite stiff and he seemed just completely uncomfortable being touched, but everything seemed so staged. Every moan, cry, and orgasm seemed so fake, it even made Kakashi uncomfortable, and he was known to watch porn on a regular basis.

But what confused the officer the most, was how neither of the men ever touched one another outside of that. There was not one single hug or even a kiss on the cheek that could be seen. Aside from the one single hug that happened after Naruto and Sasuke had argued, there was no physical connection. Naruto still flinched slightly anytime Sai got close to him, but nothing that would pin Sai as holding him against his will.

Kakashi let out a sigh as he closed his laptop. This wasn't going the way he had hoped. Nothing was. He was having trouble finding anything on Shin too. All he could really find was that the young man had transferred from another town. He had attempted to gain information on his transfer, but the one connection he had, happened to be sent to another town to help that week.

He stared out the window of his office as he leaned back in his chair. Closing his eyes, he frowned. "Hang in there, Naruto"


Naruto sat on his bed, staring out of the window of his apartment. He felt so empty. Sure Sai wasn't physically abusing him anymore, but that didn't mean he wasn't still being degraded and threatened. It just wasn't being done in the usual manner. Sai had resorted to following Naruto to the bathroom, the kitchen, outside, everywhere he was able to and would speak low enough that no one could hear him except Naruto.

He was being forced to act like he was in a happy relationship. Like they were a normal, happy couple. Of course it was something that Naruto had always craved, but not from him. Not from someone who didn't love him, made him feel like shit, made him want to kill himself. It was doing nothing but destroying Naruto from the inside. It was to the point that the blond didn't care to even go outside anymore. If he went outside, he was too tempted to end his own suffering, permanently.

The worst part of it all, was Naruto had to pretend that he enjoyed sex with that monster. Every fake moan and cry made him more and more disgusted with himself. His only saving grace in those moments was that he didn't have to face Sai. Naruto was always on his hands and knees and he preferred it that way. It was bad enough he was being penetrated by him. Naruto didn't ever want to have to face him and look at him while he did it.

He didn't even bother looking towards the door when he heard it open. He already knew it was Sai. Aside from the fact that the door was now locked at all times, Naruto didn't have any other connections anymore. Since his argument with Sasuke, Naruto hadn't seen the raven. His heart ached when he thought about it, but mentally he was happy. That meant that Sai would stay away from him.

"Get the fuck up and get dressed. We're going out." Sai barked.

Without a word, Naruto got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom. Sai had already picked out his clothes since they were going out in public. If he was going to be by his side, Sai wanted to make sure Naruto met his expectations. Naruto had also stopped talking for the most part. Unless he was spoken to directly, he kept quiet. He knew there was no point in arguing against Sai over anything.

Going through the motions in a zombie like state, Naruto made himself presentable to Sai's expectations. They both left the apartment, heading towards the place Sai's art gallery was at.

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