Chapter 15

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Pulling up to the building, Naruto took a deep breath before reaching for the door handle of the car. He stopped when Sai grabbed his free hand, giving a squeeze that was too tight as he smiled. "Don't fuck this up for me. Follow the rules"

Naruto gave a toothy close eyed smile. "Of course, love"

Both men stepped out of the car and stood next to each other. Standing close enough to not be suspicious, but not physically touching, they both made their way up the stairs. Getting into the building, they were both immediately greeted with glasses of wine. Sai took one as Naruto politely declined.

Rule 3: Absolutely no drinking.

Naruto and Sai walked around as Sai mingled with several people who looked very important. Naruto made sure to keep his mouth shut, unless addressed specifically. Thankfully, anytime someone tried to talk to the blond, Sai interjected somehow. Surprisingly, that put Naruto at ease. There were a few people who had asked who Naruto was, and he simply smiled and said "partner" and left it at that. Neither male ever let the words 'boyfriend' or 'lover' slip through their lips.

Rule 2: Don't speak to anyone unless instructed to.

About an hour into the event, Naruto was growing bored. Granted he was bored the entire time, but now he was getting restless. Sai was growing irritated with the blond as he could sense his restlessness. He put on a fake smile, turning to his said partner.

"Why don't you go have a look around?" Naruto was quite surprised although he didn't show it. Sai never let Naruto out of his sight, under any circumstances. That was breaking his number one rule.

Rule 1: Always be within arms length at all times.

Naruto simply gave a small smile and nodded, walking away from Sai and the people he was talking to. Even if it was a trick, Naruto would take the punishment later. He was feeling suffocated in this stuffy environment that he clearly didn't belong in.

Walking around, Naruto actually did take the time to acknowledge the artwork that was presented. He hated to admit it, but Sai was a phenomenal artist. He wandered around the gallery for what felt like a couple hours. He stopped again at a painting that made his heart stop. He suddenly had the urge to throw up as he looked at it.

The painting was a silhouette of two men seeming to be staring out a window, looking at other figures smiling and laughing. The men were painted in various colors of blue, purple, and deep reds, while everyone else had bright yellows and oranges. Upon closer examination, you could see almost a pattern in those colors, though you really had to be looking for it. A few spots looked as though they were hand prints. Naruto couldn't take his eyes off of the painting as he slowly started to frown.

"It's quite a powerful piece"

Naruto flinched at the sound of a voice that was suddenly next to him. He turned his head to meet the gaze of a stoic face, staring at the painting. The man next to him had red hair, piercing teal eyes, and a tattoo on his forehead.

"What do you think it represents?"

Naruto looked back at the painting. He couldn't form words as the colors of the two silhouettes jumped out at him. He couldn't shake the nauseas feeling that over took him.

"It looks like victims of abuse to me"

Naruto suddenly placed his hand over his mouth, gripping his stomach with the other. Without a word to the strange man, he ran to the nearest bathroom.

The red-haired man stood, sipping on his glass of wine. He causally pulled out his phone, placing it to his ear as it rang.


"It's me. I think I found the connection we were looking for"


Naruto hovered over the toilet, gasping for breath. Everything he had in his stomach had just come back up. Walking out of the stall, he headed towards the sink to rinse out his mouth and clean himself up.

"Naruto.. are you okay?"

Naruto's heart sank at the voice he heard behind him. He had been doing so good to keep his emotions in check until this point. Until he heard that voice that he had so desperately wanted to hear. A voice that he craved more than anything in the world, that would tell him everything was going to be okay.

"What are you doing here, Sasuke?" Naruto asked without even looking at the raven. He couldn't.

Sasuke frowned as a flash of pain hit his usually stoic face. Of course Naruto was still going to be cold towards him. "I saw you. You didn't look so good so I came to check on you"

"Well I'm fine. Just.. just leave me alone."

Sasuke took a step forward, placing a hand on the blond man's shoulder. He wasn't surprised when he was instantly smacked away. He was however, surprised at the reaction from Naruto. On top of swatting Sasuke's hand away, he was now trembling, and breathing heavy. Sasuke frowned as he saw nothing but fear in those blue ocean eyes that looked at him wide eyed.

"Naruto, is he really worth it?" before Sasuke could get an answer, Naruto ran out of the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke walked out of the bathroom and headed back to the direction of the person he came with. When he reached said red-head, he sighed.

"I think we found the connection"

"Did you call Kakashi?" Sasuke asked, but only in a tone that the man next to him could hear.

"Yeah. It's being looked into now"

"Thank you, Gaara." Sasuke let out an exasperated sigh. Before something caught his attention.

Glancing over to the direction of the front door, Sasuke noticed Naruto stumble a little bit out of a hallway. He had grabbed a glass of wine, drank the entire thing in one gulp, before placing the glass on the tray again and walking out of the building.

Confusion struck the Uchiha as he made his way over to where his blond friend once stood. Glancing towards the hallway, he carefully made his way down to the darkened area. Once at the end of the hallway, his eyes widened as he figured out what had caused Naruto to react the way he did.

There at the end of the hallway was Sai.

With a long haired blond woman. This woman was wearing heels and a baby blue dress that was now hiked up over her hips, as Sai had her against the wall, and was pounding into her.

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