Chapter 7

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Naruto suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Out of instinct, he flinched, and backed himself against the nearest surface, which happened to be the window.

Sasuke frowned at the state the trembling blond was in. Naruto's breathing was quick and his body language indicated he was ready to protect himself. It took him a moment to compose himself.

"Uh, sorry.. I don't like being sneaked up on" Naruto mumbled as he hesitantly rubbed his arm, looking at the ground. He didn't want to see the pity coming from those dark orbs. He felt pathetic enough as it was. The last thing he ever wanted, was to be pitied for a situation he put himself into.

Before Sasuke could respond, Karin came up behind him. "Is everything okay?"

Instantly snapping out of his awkward state, Naruto smiled brightly. "Yeah! Teme here just doesn't know how to knock" he fake frowned towards Sasuke, who was frowning himself.

Sasuke didn't like this version of Naruto. The Naruto who pretended everything was fine. The one who refused to rely on other people. The one who would put on a fake smile and laugh, going about his day like nothing bad ever happened to him. Sasuke didn't like this fake version of his best friend.

Sasuke was torn. He wanted nothing more than to break those walls that Naruto had built. They were best friends for crying out loud... at least, that's what Sasuke used to think. He wasn't even really sure anymore. He didn't recognize the Naruto that was displayed before him. How could he consider himself the blond's best friend, when he wasn't there when Naruto needed him the most.

Sure he had noticed the subtle differences in Naruto's behavior. But Sasuke was starting to feel as though part of this was his fault. He had bailed on his friend time and time again. He didn't make time for their friendship like he should have.

'Maybe I pushed him to Sai..'


The raven snapped back to reality when he saw a tan hand waving in front of his face. He started to open to his mouth to say something, but immediately shut it again as he felt Karin's presence. Naruto cocked his head slightly to the side, looking at the raven in confusion.

The taller male let out a small sigh and turned to his red-headed girlfriend. "I'll take you home"

Karin smiled and bid farewell to Naruto as she walked back towards the front door.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Naruto gave a big grin that made Sasuke's stomach turn. "Meh, you two need time together. I'm sure you've both had enough of me interrupting, dattebayo?" The blond nudged Sasuke playfully but suddenly felt nervous when the raven didn't return the playful banter.

Naruto nodded silently as Sasuke stated he would be back soon and followed Karin to the front door. Naruto couldn't shake the now uneasy feeling that was settling into the pit of his stomach. He was left wondering why Sasuke's demeanor seemed to have changed.

'Maybe I overstayed my welcome..'

Naruto paced around the room for a brief moment, lost in his own thoughts. He couldn't handle the thought of being a burden to the raven. Looking around the room, Naruto realized that he didn't bring anything with him.

With nothing but the clothes Sasuke had lent him, Naruto made his decision. He walked into the kitchen, left a brief  note, and then left to go back home.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. But that fear was overpowered by the thought of burdening his best friend. He didn't really care what waited for him at his own apartment, as long as he didn't have to see that disappointed look on Sasuke's face again.

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