Chapter 3

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Naruto woke up on the floor of Sai's bedroom. It took him a moment to realize that he must have passed out in the middle of Sai's.... loving. How he ended up in the floor, he could only guess that Sai got pissed and kicked him off the bed.

Naruto held back the urge to scream as he attempted to get up. Never in his life had he felt more physically exhausted. He winced and held back the tears as he felt the pain shoot through his back and down his legs. He laid back on the floor, completely defeated. He couldn't move without wanting to scream in pain. It was too much for him to handle at the moment.

Naruto had no idea what time it was, how long he had been laying there in agonizing pain, or how long until Sai would wake up and demand he get off the floor and out of the house. Although his backside let off the most pain, that wasn't the only damage that was done. Naruto glaced as his wrists that were coated in dried blood from being tied to the bed.

Sai had never been kind when it came to his... loving. He would use the harshest rope he could find to bind the blond to the bed, knowing that if he pulled, his wrists would pay the price. It had been a while since Naruto had been given that treatment, but the pain was something he remembered clearly.

After what seemed like hours, Naruto finally gathered what strength he could, and gathered his clothes from the floor. He struggled to be as quiet as he could when getting re-dressed, but he didn't have a choice as he didn't want to awaken the demon that slept soundly on the bed near him.

He ignored all the pain and the blood as he didn't bother to clean himself up. He wanted to do so in the privacy of his own home where he could try to forget the horrible nightmare that happened earlier in the night.

Once he was dressed and managed to sneak out of the bedroom, he made his way to the front door. Naruto only let out a sigh of relief when he was down the street and away from Sai's. Seeing as it was still very dark out and there was no one out, Naruto assumed it was the middle of the night.

Taking a small detour, he stopped at a public park and sat on one of the swings. He was lost in his own thoughts when he felt the start of small rain drops. He looked up into the night sky, wishing more than anything that he could be washed away with the approaching storm.

Laughing at his own childish thought, he got up and started his journey home again. He didn't make it very far before he felt a wave of dizziness and nausea take over. He slumped down on the front of one of the buildings, hugging his knees to his chest, hoping the feeling would pass.

He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until he was shaken awake. He glanced up, blinking a few times, trying to regain his vision.

"Naruto.. what the hell are you doing out here?"

Naruto instantly teared up as he heard the comforting sound of his best friends voice. He couldn't respond before everything around him faded to black.


Sasuke kept glancing at the unconscious blond sitting in his passenger seat. Something wasn't right. Why would Naruto be out in the middle of the night, especially when it's raining. Did he live around here? Did his boyfriend live around here? It suddenly dawned on him that he didn't really know much about Naruto's relationship.

He had Naruto's number, but not his boyfriends. He didn't know where either of them lived. His only option was to take Naruto back to his house. He couldn't settle this feeling in his stomach the whole way home.

Once he was home, he carried his unconscious best friend up to his room. He gently laid the passed out Naruto on his bed and turned to get him dry clothes. The last thing Naruto needed was to catch a cold.

Dark Sides of Love [SasuNaru]Where stories live. Discover now