732 29 64

december 2015
houston tx

Ashley is at the Knight's house, preparing to watch a movie.

Mr Knight has left for work, since he's on a night shift, while Ginny prepares a bowl of popcorn, bringing it in from the kitchen, and it's Gracie's turn to decide what film they watch.

It's a scenario that's played out more time than Ashley can count; it's normal and comfortable— but something feels off tonight.

Awsten doesn't sit next to her on the couch; he doesn't offer to set up the movie, before ushering her to move up so he can squeeze himself between her and the arm of the sofa.

Gracie sets up the movie instead, while Awsten sits on the single armchair, by himself, with his head buried in his phone.

That's how he's been all evening— or most evenings that she's seen him for the past two weeks, and it's only got progressively worse.

Gracie sits next to Ashley when the movie starts, and the room is quiet, aside from the audio coming from the TV.

Ashley can't help the way her eyes are glued to Awsten. She watches the subtle smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth; it's obvious to her that he's trying to suppress it, but he's clearly failing, and he even covers his mouth to hold back a laugh.

She tries to focus on the movie that's playing, she really does— but it's almost impossible with the sinking in her chest, feeling like it's weighing her down.

Ashley can't help the overwhelming sense of deja vu; seeing how giddy Awsten is reminds her of when he first started dating Grace.

She had to watch him fall in love with someone that wasn't her— and if the same thing is happening again, Ashley has a strong feeling that it could be so much worse.

About halfway into the film, Jet comes wandering into the living room. That's the only time that Awsten looks up from his phone, and even then, it's only for a moment, since Jet crawls into Ashley's lap, rather than making her way over to him.

Ashley is grateful for the comfort that Jet provides, as she nuzzles her face against her to get some attention.

It doesn't feel like long after that before the movie is over.

When the credits are rolling is the second time that Awsten looks up from his phone; his eyes only flicker briefly to the screen, confirming that the movie is over, and he begins to get up from his seat.

"Hey, Awsten," Gracie calls, swiftly catching his attention, before he can leave the living room. "We're having a quiz on what that movie was about. I'm sure you'll do great," she says, sarcastically, earning an eye roll.

If Ashley could manage to shift her expression from the soft frown that's etched into her features, she might've laughed at the comment; but she's far too focused on the fact that Awsten doesn't even have a comeback. He just rolls his eyes, shrugs it off and walks away.

Gracie seems disappointed by the lack of response, but she gets past it much more easily than Ashley, as she stands up and heads to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Ashley," Mrs Knight says, gently. "Are you okay?" She asks, cautiously taking a seat next to Ashley on the sofa.

"Oh, uhm— Yeah," she stutters at first, before giving her a small nod, still stroking Jet, who's still contently purring. "I'm just tired," Ashley offers her a weak smile, feeling a little guilty for lying.

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