827 31 146

tw - attempted unwanted sexual advances.
it's fairly brief and there's nothing too graphic, but pls be aware in case this is triggering for you! stay safe <3


march 2015
houston, tx

"Ashley, baby!" Jake grins widely, as she enters the crowded party; she visibly cringes at the nickname. "Oh, shit, sorry," he stumbles over to her, "I forgot you don't like being called that."

"It's fine," Ashley offers him a tight lipped smile, as he swings his arm around her.

"Kinda thought you were gonna bail," Jake teases, leaning in close to her.

"Nope, I'm here," she replies, earning a hum of acknowledgement before he kisses her cheek, then her lips.

Ashley kisses back, expecting a peck, but Jake keeps going, resting his hand on her cheek as he deepens the kiss.

It takes her by surprise but she goes with it, her hands sliding up his arms to rest on his shoulders.

Jake's other hand rests tightly on Ashley's waist, and her mouth parts slightly as he squeezes her hip, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth.

Ashley pulls away to take a breath, leaving Jake chasing the feeling of her lips, and she lets out a small giggle, as he almost stumbles into her.

"You doing okay?" She asks, as he straightens up again, earning a hum in response.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Jake questions, his mouth close to her ear so that she can hear him over the blaring music. "I know you hate this kind of thing," he adds, tucking a strand of hair out of her face.

In that moment, when Ashley looks up at him with a smile, she feels like he actually cares.

"Yeah, okay," she nods, and he slips his hand into her's easily.

It feels nice being led through the crowd of people by Jake, since everyone usually moves out of the way when they seen him coming through, or he's big enough to nudge them out of the way himself.

Ashley holds into his hand, her other keeping a tight grip on her purse, as she stays close behind Jake while he guides them upstairs.

Jake opens the door to the first room he finds, poking his head inside to find it empty, before leading Ashley into the room, and closing the door behind them.

He turns to her with a smile, to which Ashley offers the same expression in response, before taking a look around the room.

It's clearly someone's bedroom, but the overall plain colour scheme, as well as lack of clutter and personal belongings, makes Ashley think it's more of a guest bedroom.

She takes a breath before sitting down on the bed, laying back against the pillows, and tossing her purse to the side, before catching Jake's eye, to notice him staring.

"What?" She blushes, hiding her face, earning a shrug.

"Nothing," he replies, smiling, as he collapses onto the bed next to her, rolling onto his stomach to face Ashley.

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