851 33 185

june 2015
houston tx

"How are you doing, anyway?" Ashley questions, cautiously, now sat down against the wall with Geoff. "I haven't got the chance to speak to you properly in a while..."

"I'm okay," he lets out a breath, squinting in the sun. "Breakups just suck."

"Tell me about it," she mutters.

"Yeah, I heard about all that," Geoff says, sympathetically; Ashley panics for a split second, wondering what Awsten may have told him, but she trusts him enough to have kept the details she wanted private. "I'm sorry that happened. He was an asshole."

"I felt so guilty for asking Awsten to come and basically rescue me," she laughs, dryly. "It was so late by the time we got back, and I have no idea what time he ended up leaving for LA with you guys the next day. I know he hates it when he doesn't get enough sleep."

"He was fine, honestly," Geoff replies. "Besides, he'd much rather lose a little sleep to rescue you, than know that you're out somewhere by yourself like that," he adds, causing Ashley to smile subtly, as she looks down at her hands. "Ah, there it is."

"There what is?" She looks at him oddly.

"There's that look that you do," Geoff gestures to the smile still playing on her lips. "You both do it."

"What? Who?" Ashley questions further.

"You and Awsten," he laughs, as if it's obvious.

"I don't know what you're implying," she feigns an oblivious facade.

"Bullshit, Ley," Geoff retorts, before lowering his tone. "I see how you look at him."

Ashley shoots him an alarmed look.

"Relax, I'm not gonna say anything," he assures her. "I swear, okay?"

"Okay.." She mumbles, hesitantly. "God, is it that obvious?" Ashley sighs, frustratedly.

"No, no, it's not," Geoff shakes his head. "I've only noticed recently. I think after my break up I just started picking up on little things more. Like, I was so wrapped up in my relationship before, I just see a lot more now," he elaborates. "How long have you liked him for?"

Ashley shrugs heavily, letting out a long breath.

"Like, a few months?" Geoff raises an eyebrow.

"Longer that that," she scoffs, lightheartedly.

"A year?"


"Two years?" He guess, and Ashley shakes her head. "Four?"

"Nope, longer."

"Holy fuck," Geoff mumbles. "Before he got with Grace?"

"I always just thought it was a stupid crush when I was younger," Ashley tells him. "Until it stopped feeling so stupid," she murmurs. "I've never told anyone this," Ashley admits.

"I won't repeat it," Geoff promises.

"Thank you," she offers him a smile, looking back towards the group, where Grace is stood at Awsten's side. "I just don't get it," Ashley exhales. "It's like, she should just be everything he hates the most, and yet—" she pauses, letting out another sigh. "And yet she's not. Just look at them."

"I wouldn't think too much into it," Geoff suggests. "You'll just upset yourself."

"I know," Ashley agrees. "It's just hard. Especially when everyone seems to fucking love her, and all I get is daggers whenever she's around."

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