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september 2015
houston, tx

Ashley has been on FaceTime with Awsten for the past hour.

He knows that she's procrastinating, rather than doing the work that she needs, but he's entertained it so far.

"Come on, I can't keep distracting you," he urges, gently.

"Don't go," Ashley pouts.

Awsten doesn't budge at first, but she then gives him her best puppy-dog eyes, because she knows it'll crack him.

"You can't just give me that look," he shakes his head, letting out a laugh.

"I can," Ashley retorts. "Just did. And it worked, 'cause you're still here," she grins, tilting her head at him.

"You're never gonna get anything done if I stay on here and talk to you," Awsten tells her, softly.

"Then come over," Ashley counters, causing him to raise his eyebrows at her. "I'm serious."

"How will that be any less distracting?" He asks, trying to fight the urge to agree immediately, just because he wants to see her.

"Because you'll actually be here," she argues as best as she can, but she doesn't really have a good enough reason— she just wants to see him. "Please?" Ashley pleads, pouting again.

Awsten hesitates for a moment, but the longer he looks at her, the less her cares about anything else, other than seeing her.

"Okay, okay, fine," he gives in, earning a loud cheer in celebration. "That means you have to clean, though," Awsten says, which only dampens Ashley's mood slightly.

"Why do you always make me clean?" She frowns.

"Because it's good for you, and you know it makes you feel better when everything is tidy," he reminds her.

"Can you stop being right?" Ashley mutters. "It's actually kind of annoying," she adds, lightheartedly.

"I literally annoy you on a daily basis, don't act like it's anything new," Awsten smiles, standing up from his desk to grab his keys. "You know I only do it out of love. I'll be there soon, okay?"

"Okay," Ashley beams in return, before their calls ends.

She lets out a sigh as she looks at the mess around her room.

Awsten's words float through her mind for a moment— You know I only of it out of love.

Ashley can't help but smile to herself as she stands up and begins to tidy; she picks up the pile of clothes that had accumulated on her bed, and throws it in the laundry basket, before making her bed and arranging the pillows more neatly.

She picks up anything that had been left on the floor, returning it to where it should be, then heads out to of her room, to the kitchen where she sprays down the surfaces, and the living room where she tidied the cushions on the sofa.

By the time she's done, and spraying a nice air freshener through the apartment, Awsten is at the door.

"It looks great in here!" Awsten compliments, grinning as soon as she opens up the door for him. "Smells good, too," he hums.

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