683 22 67

january 2015
houston tx

"How about this?" Gracie pulls out another dress from her wardrobe, holding it up for Ashley, who's sat on the edge of her bed.

She shakes her head with a grimace, earning yet another eye roll.

"How many more dresses can you say no to?" Gracie groans.

"I don't want to wear a dress," Ashley mumbles, with a frown, subtly squeezing the pillow that she's holding in her lap.

"You look so cute in dresses like this, though," Gracie wears a pout, holding up a ditsy mid-length dress. "You haven't worn one in so long."

"Yeah, I just—" Ashley pauses, wracking her brain for an excuse. "I'm just not feeling a dress right now," she lies.

Ashley thinks she'd feel stupid for saying the real reason out loud. She isn't even sure how she'd put it into words, that she doesn't want to wear dresses anymore because her boyfriend moved his hand a little too far up her thigh and it made her uncomfortable— in her mind, it sounds pathetic.

"Hello? Earth to Ashley Thomas," Gracie snaps her fingers, bringing Ashley abruptly back to reality.

"Huh? Sorry, what?" She blinks back.

"I said, we'll have to find you something else to wear," Gracie relays, putting the dress back in her wardrobe.

Ashley groans into the pillow she's holding, and when she looks back up, Awsten has entered the room, shooting her an odd look.

"You okay?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No," Ashley pouts. "I can't believe you're even making me go to this," she turns back to Gracie, who lets out a sigh as she shakes her head. "It's fucking stupid."

"Well, I don't suppose you would rather I ditched you tonight to go by myself?" Gracie shoots back.

"I could've made plans with Gwennie," Ashley counters, easily.

"Come on, Ley. She invited you, and it's her birthday," Gracie emphasises.

"Who are we even talking about?" Awsten looks between the two of them as they bicker.

"Aimee," Ashley answers, turning her nose up, just at the name.

"Gross," he responds, swiftly.

"See!" Ashley exclaims, throwing her hands up, as Gracie looks defeated.

"Come on, please just go with me," she begs. "We won't stay all night, I promise," Gracie adds, pleadingly. "Besides, Jake is gonna be there! It's not like it's just me."

"Jake?" Awsten speaks up again, wearing a quizzical look. "I didn't realise he knew Aimee."

"Me neither," Ashley shrugs, "until he got invited to this party."

"And who's Gwennie? I feel like I have zero idea of what's going on," he frowns, earning a soft smile from Ashley.

"Gwennie is the waitress that served Jake and I on our first date," she answers.

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