808 35 198

august 2015
los angeles, ca

"Wanna take a break?" Courtney asks, earning quick agreement from Awsten, and he takes his headphones off, stepping out of the recording booth.

He lets out a long breath as he collapses on the couch next to Geoff, while Otto sits at the soundboard, talking to Courtney about the drums he'd tracked earlier.

Leaning forward, Awsten pulls out his phone, and rests his elbows on his knees as he unlocks it.

He hasn't spoken to Ashley since he left, but she hasn't reached out to him either.

He wonders if she's still angry at him, or if things will still be tense when he comes home; he should probably apologise for the way he spoke to her, at least.

After everything he's done already, he knows it wasn't a good idea to argue with her again— it'll only push her further away, and that's the last thing that he wants.

He scrolls through his phone for a little longer, before opening up his texts with Ashley.

Hey..I just wanna say I'm sorry for
losing my cool with you the other day.
I didn't mean to raise my voice at
you at all and I'm really sorry

He taps on the edge of his phone after sending the message, anxious for a reply, when he sees a bubble pop up at the bottom of his screen, signalling that she's typing.

i'm sorry too.. i was actually
just thinking about you

Awsten can't help the way his heart skips a beat at her response.

Funny, because I was thinking
about you too🙃

Right after he sends his reply, Awsten's phone begins buzzing in his hand, lighting up with an incoming call from his mother.

"Uh, I gotta take this," he mumbles, standing up and excusing himself from the room, to step outside into the hall. "Hey, Mom—"

"Awsten, have you spoken to Ashley yet?" Mrs Knight skips over a greeting.

"Oh, I'm great! Thanks for asking, Mom. Yeah, recording is going really well," he responds, sarcastically, earning a disapproving tut in return. "I was just texting her. Why?"

"I was hoping you'd apologised to her," Ginny tells him.

"Huh, why?" Awsten frowns, confused.

"I heard you two fighting the other night," she clarifies, and his eyes widen slightly, her slight disappointment evident in her tone.

"Oh," he murmurs.

"What was all of that about?" Mrs Knight questions, with a sigh.

"Nothing, Mom," Awsten shakes his head, thankful that at least she hadn't heard their argument clearly enough to know what exactly was said.

There's a short pause, where Ginny wonders if she should press for a truthful answer from her son, but she decides against it.

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