912 32 235

march 2015
houston, tx

"Hello?" Ashley calls, entering the Knight's house, wondering if anyone's home.

She gathers that Ginny and Roscoe are both at work, but she can hear music, which means Awsten must be home.

Heading upstairs, she knocks on his door, poking her head through the small crack where he'd left it open.

"Oh, hey!" He glances up at Ashley, most of his attention still on his computer, as he hums a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Ashley asks, curiously, as he nods towards his bed, gesturing for her to sit down.

"I'm emailing this label," Awsten grins, "because— right, remember I told you we got that offer from Equal Vision?"

"Yes," Ashley nods, seating herself on the end of his bed as she listens to him.

"Well, there's someone else I kind of wanted to go with," he tells her, "so I'm gonna tell them that we've had an offer and see what the say—"

His sentence is cut off by his phone ringing, and when Awsten looks down at the caller ID, his eyes widen.

"It's them," he whispers, giddily, picking up his phone. "Hello?" Awsten answers, and Ashley almost cracks a laugh at his professional-phone-voice.

She kicks off her shoes quietly, crossing her legs beneath her as she tries to listen in on the conversation.

Awsten shuffles his chair a little closer to her, making it easier for her to hear, while he sits with his right arm crossed over his chest, his left elbow leaning on it, as he holds his phone to his ear.

"So, yeah— We've had an offer from Equal Vision Records," he starts, with a more serious expression, that Ashley can't seem to stop herself from gazing at, "and I think we're gonna go with it."

Awsten pauses for a long time, his eyebrows dipping together in concentration, while Ashley tries her best to listen to what's being said on the other end of the call.

"Okay, no problem," he nods, shooting Ashley a look, before the call comes to a close. "Woo!" Awsten begins cheering, leaning back in his seat and waving his arms around.

"What? What did they say?" She questions quickly, intrigued.

"He said he's gonna call his boss," Awsten grins, "he explicitly said, 'don't sign anything'," he adds, giddily.

"Oh, my god!" Ashley cheers, bouncing up and down with him.

"Holy shit," Awsten stops after a moment, earning an odd look. "We literally could have... two offers," he says, almost breathlessly. "Like, going from nothing to this," he continues, his eyes wide. "Okay, I need to call Geoff and Otto."

Ashley sits on his bed while Awsten calls his bandmates, occupying herself by scrolling through Twitter until he's done, and places his phone back on his desk.

He presses play on his music again, and jumps up from his seat, with even more energy.

Tyler, The Creator is blasting from his laptop as Awsten begins dancing around his room, causing Ashley to look up and laugh.

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