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august 2015
houston tx

Ashley hasn't seen a lot of Awsten recently. She knows he's been busy working— writing and demoing before he heads out to Los Angeles for Waterparks to record their third EP.

She assumes he's been keeping a safe distance from her, allowing her some time to come around and feel comfortable with being around him again.

Plus, he's probably been spending a fair amount of time with Grace, too, after all of the arguments they've been having recently.

Awsten often plays them off, as if they're nothing— but Ashley wonders if that's down to his own delusion, his own hope that things are going to last; or maybe, selfishly, that's just all she wants it to be.

Ashley finds that he always puts in extra effort after any small dispute between them; he puts it on himself to reconcile and rebuild even after the most minor of issues, even if it's not his fault.

These issues are only ever temporary, but Ashley can't help the way she gets her hopes up whenever a break up seems like it's pending; it never goes that way, though, and she always ends up feeling guilty for even thinking about it.

Today, during a lengthy study break, Ashley meets up with Geoff, to catch up over a coffee, after he'd convinced her to take a breather, insisting that she shouldn't be working so much during the summer anyway.

He seems just as confused about Awsten's situation with Grace as Ashley is, and almost equally as disappointed.

"Honestly, I don't know what's going on with them anymore," he shrugs, letting out a sigh.  "Are you two okay now?"

"Uhm, I don't know," Ashley shrugs. "I'm still upset about what he did, but I really hate being away from him," she frowns.

"Have you spoken to Gracie much?" Geoff asks.

"Honestly? Not really," Ashley shakes her head. "It hurts more that she hasn't noticed, you know? Like, I was upset that she forgot about me in the first place, but she's just...forgetting about me altogether," she sighs.

"She's not forgetting about you," Geoff assures her. "Have you heard anything from Grace? Did she at least apologise for how she spoke to you?" He questions and Ashley shakes her head in response, to which he rolls his eyes. "Honestly, I'm kind of rooting for you and Awsten now," Geoff teases.

Ashley rolls her eyes, unable to help the small smile that tugs at the corner of her lips. "It's not like that."

"Sure," he raises his eyebrows, causing her to blush, before watching her expression falter slightly. "What's bothering you?"

"She just pisses me off," she admits. "I feel like I've had to bottle it all up for like, four years. I haven't been able to speak to Gracie about it, because they're like family now. Sister-in-laws," Ashley grimaces.

"You can unload it all now, come on," Geoff urges. "I'm all ears."

"I don't even understand why she hates me," she begins, with a sigh. "Like, what did I actually do? It's almost as if she acts jealous but— With the way she was talking to me, and the things she was saying, she would have no reason at all to be jealous, because she clearly doesn't think very highly of me," Ashley rants.

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