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(A/N: So, this is where Harry and Ron  "fly" to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I will call Mr and Mrs Weasley by their first names just bc its easier, but everyone will still call them Mr and Mrs Weasley.)

It was soon 11:00 and the Weasleys', Harry, and I were hurrying over to the Platform. 

"10:58. Come on, come on!" Arthur cried.

"Train will be leaving any moment!" Molly added.

We arrived in front of Platform 9¾. "Fred, George, Percy, you first!" Molly exclaimed.

Fred, George, and Percy ran into the brick wall and disappeared.

Ginny looked scared. "Ginny, go with Anna." Ginny looked at me with slight fear. I smiled at her and we ran together, arriving in front of the train. Mr and Mrs Weasley showed up a few seconds after.

We rushed onto the train, and Mr and Mrs Weasley waved goodbye, blowing air kisses.

Ginny and I found an empty compartment. And I though it would be the perfect time to ask her about the two books. (which she was holding at the moment)

"Hey, Gin, what's that book you're holding?" I asked.

She looked away. "Nothing. Just my diary."

I raised an eyebrow. "A diary that just happens to be the one you carry all the time now?"

Gin looked up. "Okay, okay. I got it from Diagon Alley and when I write to it, it answers back. The diary belonged to someone named Tom Marvolo Riddle. It's like Tom understands my feelings." 

"Can I see it?" 

She smiled slowly and handed me the diary. I had a bad feeling about this, but what harm could a diary do?

(A/N: I want to make Anna friends with Ginny and close to her because Ginny's my third-favourite character lol)

Word count: 293

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