To Diagon Alley

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Mrs. Weasley picked up a pot.

"You first, Harry dear. Then, you can go, Anna dear." she said.

"But Harry and Anna's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum." Ron said.

Harry and I shared confused glances. "Floo powder?"

" Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that they can see how it's done." Mrs. Weasley said. Ron grabbed a handful of powder. "Yes. In you go." Ron then climbed into the fireplace. "That's it."

"Diagon Alley!" Ron shouted. He was engulfed in green flames and disappeared.

"You see? It's quite easy, dear." Mrs. Weasley said. "Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go." Harry stepped into the fireplace. "That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder." Harry grabbed a handful from the flowerpot. "That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly." she told him.

"Diagonally." Harry disappeared.

I rolled my eyes. 

He didn't say it clear enough.

"What did he say, dear?" Mrs. Weasley turned to her husband.

"'Diagonally'" Mr. Weasley replied grimly.

"I thought he did. Nevermind, we'll find him at Diagon Alley. Go on, Anna." Mrs. Weasley pulled the pot closer to me.

I took the Floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. 

"Diagon Alley!"

It was a whirl. Then, it was over.

"Anna? I thought Harry was supposed to go next?" a voice said.

I looked up and saw Ron. Standing up, I replied, "He did, but he said "Diagonally" instead of "Diagon Alley." 

Just as I finished, Fred came in. Then George. Then Percy. After him came in Ginny. Mr and Mrs Weasley flooed in together.

"Did you find Harry?" Mrs. Weasley asked, concerned.

We shook our heads.

"Oh dear."

"Annabelle!" a voice shouted excidedly.

I turned and saw Harry with Hermione, who was waving to me. 

She rushed over.

"Hi, Hermione!" I said, as she hugged me. 

"Oh, I've missed you so much, Anna!"

Mrs. Weasley spoke up.

"Harry, thank goodness, we were all so worried."


We entered Flourish and Blotts for our books.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here he is: Gilderoy Lockhart!" a man announced moving aside to reveal a blonde man with blue eyes.

Ooh, I knew him. I read all his books. He was good-looking too, but he seemed...fake.

"Mum fancies him." Ron said. Mrs. Weasley hit his shoulder.

"Excuse me, little girl, this for Daily Prophet." a man with a camera said, pushing me aside.

I scoffed.

Lockhart noticed me and my brother. He gasped. "It can't be...Harry and Annabelle Potter?"

He pulled us to the front, next to him. I had no idea that I was as famous as Harry. 

"Nice big smile, Harry, Annabelle, to get you two and I together on front page." he smiled widely. 

I rolled my eyes, but I smiled. I was a good actress, and I think I looked happy in the picture?

"Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is!" Lockhart said, after the pictures. "When young Harry and Anna stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, 'Magical Me,' and, in fact, they will both be leaving with my entire collected of charge." he handed us the books.

No one called me 'Anna' unless I could trust them or if they were a friend. I could not trust Lockhart and he was totally not my friend. 

Mrs Weasley came to us. "Oh, Harry, give me those books, I'll get them signed. Anna, go to Arth-I mean, Mr Weasley and let him sign the books for you. All of you, wait there." She pointed.

I handed my books to Mr Weasley and turned back to Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potters?" a voice said from above us. We looked up. There was Draco. "Famous Harry and Annabelle Potter, can't even go to a bookstore without making the front page."

Although I didn't want Draco acting like this, he was always...bitter to Harry and the Gryffindors.

"Leave him alone." Ginny glared at him.

Draco smirked. "Oh, look, Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend!" 

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. I mean, it was kind of funny, and I knew that Ginny had the biggest crush on Harry.

Suddenly, a black cane hit Draco's shoulder.

"Now, now, Draco, play nicely." It was Lucius Malfoy. "Mr. and Miss Potter. Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last."

He shook our hands, first Harry, then me. However, he didn't let go. Instead, he pulled me closer and turned my head forcefully. "Forgive me, but you're scars are a legend, as of course, the wizard who gave it to you." he said, inspecting the scar on my neck. 

Harry pulled me away. "Voldemort killed my parents."

"He was nothing more than a murderer." I added.

Lucius Malfoy stared at us blankly. "You must be very brave to say his name....or very foolish."

"Fear of the name increases only the fear of the thing itself." Hermione spoke up.

Nice. I thought.

Mr. Malfoy turned to her. "And you must be Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you...and your parents. Muggles, are they?" 

Hermione's eyes filled with tears as she looked down. I glanced at her symphatetically and grabbed her hand in comfort.

Mr. Malfoy turned to Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George. "Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions, secondhand book. You must be with Weasleys'." he said, taking a book from Ginny's cauldron. 

"Children, it's mad in here, let's go outside." Mr. Weasley came over. He seemed to be ignoring Lucius Malfoy.

"Well, well, well, Weasley senior." he said, tutting. 

Mr. Weasley stiffened and turned. "Lucius." his voice sounded cold.

"this is time of ministry, Arthur, with all those raids."

"I do hope they're paying you overtime? Judge like state of this, I'd say, no, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" 

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." Mr. Weasley said icily.

"Clearly. Associating with muggles, and I thought you could sink no lower." Mr. Malfoy put the book back in Ginny's cauldron. that two books? Must be my imagination. I'll ask Ginny later

"I'll see you at work." Mr. Malfoy said turning away.

"See you at school." Draco said lowly.

Harry and the others glared at him while I smirked.

(A/N: Ok, so that's done. It might not be precise, but no matter. Anyways, I feel like Anna's best friends aren't included much. (Slytherin best friends) I'll try to add them more, along with more Draco's love story.)

Word count: 1119

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