Chapter eleven_ A/N

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So guys, so I guess chapter 10 was the last chapter, but not officially because I plan to include a bonus chapter! So I need you guys help in answering these questions. Please, please please *puppy eyes and pouts out bottom lip* leave a comment/suggestion.

No.1_ So about this bonus chapter, whose p.o.v do you want? It has to be either Maya, Veronica or Brianna. This chapter will tells you what happens in that person's life after the whole mystery and continuing after chap 10. Comment whose p.o.v you want.

No.2_ Do you think that the book has ended too abruptly or there wasn't enough romance? Well, I'm thinking sequel. What do you guys say? yay or nay? This sequel, if I do it, will be based on Hannah's love life after the whole Mystery dies down. It will be a book two. You want a sequel or you think it will be told much? Please comment!

No.3_ How do you guys feel that Secret Out has come to an end? What's your feelings/ emotions? I wanna do, don't be shy. Comment◇

In adherence to No.2_ If I decide to make a sequel, which boy/s would you like the book to feature?

(✔) Tyler Richardson
(✔) Matthew Hastings
(✔) Jeremy Miller

Don't remember them?

Here is a couple reminders to refresh your memory!

Tyler Richardson- Summer's boyfriend, now ex boyfriend. He has played a few parts in the story, especially coming down to the final chapter (chapter 10).

Matthew Hastings- Brianna and Maya's older brother who has been sent to a delinquent camp. And obviously, he is a bad boy; not to forget Hannah's ex.

Jeremy Miller- He was introduced somewhere between the 2nd to 3rd chapter. He is Hannah's friend/ classmate. Hannah has a tiny crush on him, you could tell as she was clearly blushing.

So comment which one of the boys you wanna see again in the sequel! And you never know that person could end up with Hannah! It's you to you! Comment please!

So I expect too see you guys commenting! Thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes so far! Love you guys for that! Support this and comment already would ya! :D

Note: I will be checking this, but I am going to give you guys so time to comment and vote! So comment, comment, comment for each of the numbers- No. 1, No.2, No.3 and If I plan to do a sequel what character you'd love to be featured in it.

Xx, Anjali♥

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