Chapter three_Sleepover Goal

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>>pic of Brianna 

Hannah's p.o.v

"Are you sure that's safe sweetheart? I mean they are your friends, But Brianna is possibly the cause of Summer's death" my mother said worriedly.

"I know, But please mom. This might be a chance to get more information from Brianna. Please and you will be here the whole time" I pleaded.

She sighed, " Oh alright, but you must be in my sight okay, you never know If Brianna could... you know" She trailed off. I nodded understandingly.

"I already called them. They will be here in two hours, so If you need me I'm upstairs finishing off some Literature homework" i told my mom and entered my room.

I unzipped my bag and the threat notes to Summer fell out. I watched it again, who would want Summer to stay away from Tyler? I mean Brianna, she has a boyfriend, Mason and they really like each other. I'm starting to think, there is more to it than just meets the eye. This is too confusing, I need to put that aside for now and finish off my homework.

2 hours later

"Hi girls" I squealed and embraced them. I know what you're wondering, how can i be so excited if i just let a possible killer enter our house? Well guess what i've got a plan.


Step. 1- Ask Bri about Summer and see her reaction.

Step.2- Her weakness, Vodka... Get her drunk.

Step.3- Ask her about Bri about Summer again and hear what she says. (When Bri is drink she sells out her secrets)

Step.4- Epic Victory!

"I'm so excited, but this is going to be our first sleepover with Summer" She spoke her voice dropping.

"Yes" i tried to fake a smile. Taylor looked sympathetic and she hugged me.

"Hey let's turn this frown upside down and get our sleepover on" Taylor brightened and i nodded.

"So what do you guys wanna do first?" I asked.

"Let's watch a movie" Bri suggested.

"Kay, what movie?"

"The Fault In Our Stars" She squeaked eagerly.

"Sure" I answered softly, as my mind drifted off to Summer. Bri and her was obsessed with that movie, when it had first came out last year and of course they were in love with Ansel Elgort. Now, their 'guy' is Jamie Dornan, well Bri's guy.

"Okay" Taylor agreed breaking me out of my memories of Summer.

//↗Secret out↖// ★Secret out★//

"That was so sad" Bri sniffled into her napkin.

"It was okay" Taylor commented gently dabbing her eyes with the napkin. Yeah, Taylor wasn't the girl to admit that she was secretly in love with chickflicks and romance movies, but she did.

"It was awesome as usual." I added wiping my own salty tears.

"Okay enough lovey-dovey, crying scenes, let's do something else" Taylor stated setting her cookie dough ice cream down.

"Girls, would you like some snacks?" My mom interrupted from the kitchen. She had a couple grocery bags on her hand.

Yeahs and sure filled the room and we wen up to meet my mom.

"M & M's " Bri beamed and grabbed the largest pack while, Taylor grabbed a packet of Lays and I took a mini Hersheys chocolate.

"So what are you girls upto? What were you doing? Everything good? Everyone fine?" She rushed her Word and glimpsed at me. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Mom, can I talk to you for a second in private?" I gritted my teeth and forced a fake smile to my friends as we walked down.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure Brianna hasn't attempted to murder my daughter"

"Come on, mom. We're fine."

"Well I see that now, but you never know"

"I know mom, I'm careful"

"Good and give me a holler If you need anything"


I walked back to the girls. Time for the plan. Making sure, my mother was out of sight. I pulled out the Vodka. I smirked as Bri's eyed widened.

"Let's take a drink " I smiled and pulled out three glasses.

"Um I'm not drinking, I have a pop quiz tomorrow, I'm going to take a early sleep" She casually said.

"Sure?" I asked

She nodded.

"Bye goodnight" i bade her as she entered the guestroom. It was just me and Brianna now. Perfect!

" I- I don't think i should drink." Bri suddenly stammered.

"Why not?" I questioned her.

"Re-remember, i-i'm not feeling w-well" She gulped.

"Oh come on please" i begged and she shook her head.

I tried again, "pwease" in a tiny voice and did the puppy dog eyes.

She sighed and gave in, "Fine, but one drink only" and drank the first share.

Four more drinks later

Bri giggled and rested her head on my shoulder. Okay, time to take this plan into action.


"Hmm" she hummed playing with my hair.

"Why did you kill Summer?"

"I didn't kill her, I just drugged her" She giggled again.

"So why did you drug her?"

"I can't tell you, it's a Secret." She whispered and closed her eyes.

"You can tell, come on"

"Well, three weeks ago Maya came back from New York. Summer and I hung out with her. We carried her shopping, we bought the cutest dress, uhh.. and we went Burger king, ice cream shop" she stopped to think, "Maya told us she broke up with Caleb and she didn't feel-"

"What does all this have to do with why you drugged Summer?"

"Shhh" she put her finger on my lip and took it back, then her voice became serious, " She turned. It was wrong, what she did was wrong and she said it was just a mistake, a mistake that has been going on a for a week. Why did she do that? My sister wouldn't-" she stopped to yawn.

"Look I don't understand what your sister has to do with all this? I mean don't get me wrong, I love she's awesome but-" I stopped talking when I heard snoring. Great, Brown had fallen asleep and she didn't continue. But what does Maya has to do with Summer?

Question: What in the world is Brianna talking about?

Extra tidbits: Maya Hastings, younger sister of Brianna Hastings. She just returned to New York, after spending a year in Seattle with her aunt Nellie. Maya is one year younger than Brianna. And Maya was two years younger than her brother Matthew. Maya was light brunette, wavy, long hair hair emerald eyes and tanned skin. She was a very pretty girl. She got along extremely well with her sister's friends, especially Summer. While Maya was in Seattle she met a boy named Caleb and they dated for 11 months, But due to personal causes(you will find out) Maya broke up with him. She was a smart sassy girl who was sweet and mischievous at the same time. She loved anything that had water: water parks, beaches, pool/ pool party, water fights etc. She loved swimming, it was her passion. Every evening she would go swimming in her backyard pool.

Maya Hastings**

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