Chapter four_ Search For The Diary

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>>pic of Tyler

Hannah's p.o.v

It's still stuck in my head. Why the hell is Brianna mentioning her sister's name? What does Maya have to do with any of this? What does Maya have to do with anything?

To solve this Maya case, once and for all. I have come with yet another master plan. Since Brianna passed out when she was drunk, I have to come up with another idea.

Brianna's words broke me out of thoughts, "Hey Hannah, the sleepover was awesome, I mean it wasn't the same without Summer but it'll do"

"Before you go, I was wondering If I could spend the day by you today. It's just that, I haven't met Maya since she came back"

"Uh M-Maya isn't feeling t-too well" she sluttered.

"Oh come on, I just wanna see her. If she's not fine, then why was she in school today? Please, Bri" I begged.

She sighed, "Okay, let's go"

My mom came back with her keys and we exited the door. Taylor had already went home early, she said she had some assignment to finish. My mom was going to drop Bri home and my mom won't mind me going over as long as Brianna mom was there and If I messaged her every, thirty minutes to make sure that I'm safe.

We had finally arrived at Maya's house. I Stepped out of the maroon car and bade my mom goodbye as she drove off.

"Come on, let's go" Bri said pulling me into the house. We hurried with a swift speed and I bumped into Mrs. Hastings.

"Oh my gosh, i am so sorry. Let me help you with that!" I babbled to Mrs. Hastings, helping her pick up the napkins that had fallen.

"It's okay, Hannah" She smiled and said, "Here to spend the day?"

"Yup" I answered popping the p.

"Good. And If you need anything, just call okay?"

I nodded.

"Let's go in my room " She spoke and we entered her room. Her room was painted rose pink and no there were no boy band posters, well not anymore. Mason made her take it down, he was a bit jealous of 1D, especially Zayn Malik. Bri just adored Zayn. Come to think of it, who won't? I mean who doesn't dig the whole bad boy look?

"Hey I will be right back, I'm going to get some soda. You want one?"

"Sure" i beamed as she left the room.

One word came to mind as she shut the door.

Le Diary

Yeah, she loved french! I opened her first drawer, there were some essays, her scrapbook, magazines and a whole other set of stuff, but none was her diary. Ahh, maybe it was under her mattress, just the other day I heard her 'deny' that under the mattress is a bad place to hide stuff. She wasn't fooling anyone, she was nervous because she was hiding something there and it just might be the...

Bri came bursting through the door, "So here's the soda you asked for", I jumped back a bit in shock.

"Why are you so jumpy?" She accused me.

"I didn't notice you came into the room. You scared me" i covered with a lie.

"Okay, so are you sure you don't want anything else?" She asked me.

"Ahhh yes, i would love a sandwich" i said quickly.

"What kind?"

"Chicken maybe"

"I will make it for you, mom is folding the laundry. I will be back" She said and left yet again. There that should stall her for a couple of minutes. I immediately lifted the mattress and voila, the diary. It was a ordinary sized diary with a pink, sparkly cover and a sign that said do not touch. Luckily, it had no lock or else i would have had to search for the key. I may have never found the key and I would have not been able to see her diary, so praise God.

Okay, i opened the first page. Heading: Sex with Mason. Eww, i flipped it. Heading:Date with Mason, next page. Heading:Mason's party. And I kept flipping, is anything in here not about Mason? Then I saw something that caught my eye. Heading:The biggest secret i've kept yet.

I skimmed further, it had to do with why she did that to Summer. I started reading, " Dear diary, this has been going on for 2 weekd now and i have been acting like it doesn't bother me. It sure as hell does, it's one of my best friends and my sister. How can I accept it when Summer says she doesn't know how she-"

"What are you doing?" asked a furious Brianna.

"N-nothing" I sluttered. Damn!

She gasped, "Is that my diary?" She snatched it away from me and viewed the page i was reading.

"How dare you? That's personal, it's none of your business!" She growled.

I can't take this shit anymore, it's time to show her who's boss, " None of my business? We are all supposed to be best friends! You have been keeping this secret from us that involves Summer and your sister and that's why you made Summer kill herself. She couldn't take the pressure. You drugged her and made her drink alcohol, and she could 't handle it. You did that to her! You!"

Her eyes gradually softened at the last part and tears formed in her eyes.

"Listen Hannah, calm down. It wasn't like that. Just let me explain" She softy pleaded.

"No i-"

"Please" she begged tears threatening to fall.

"Okay" I gave in. Let's see what she had to say.

"So it all began, when Maya came back. We had gone shopping" she stopped when I cut her off, "Um can you skip that part?" I heard that part before, but I wasn't going to tell her.

She nodded and continued, "So it turned out that Tyler and Summer were having alittle a little argument at the time where Maya was really sad about breaking up with Caleb. Maya had started trusting Summer and decided to tell her the real reason, she broke up with Caleb. Maya. Thing is Maya discovered she had no sexual feelings for Caleb or any men at all! She had started liking girls. She thought it was a phase so she stayed with Caleb but as time passed by she realised it wasn't a phase, it was real. Now, remember Matt doesn't know anything about this, okay?"

I nodded.

"So in weeks, Maya had started liking Summer. She knew Summer was straight so one day she was crying in her room, and Summer came in. Summer wanted to know what was wrong. Maya won't tell her, she just cried. Summer just hugged her and caressed her in a friendly way, but Maya couldn't hold it in and kissed her and the crazy thing was that Summer actually kissed her back and the even crazier thing is I caught them a few minutes later making out, Yes it had turned into a full- one on one make up session, no shirts!"

Question: Were you expecting that? And I think Summer is bitch, she has been keeping that secret, the biggest secret ever from her best friend, Hannah! Hannah is confused, hurt and angry! Brianna continues telling the story in the other chapter!

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