Chapter eight_ Captive:Spared all of all punishments

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Picture to the side- That is how Veronica would look like, except she has a lip and eyebrow piercing.

Hannah's p.o.v

I sighed, "Fine". Maya smirked and Veronica stopped aiming the gun at my head and I meekly follow them inside.

I silently prayed to God that my disappearance and the audio that was sent would alert my mom and my friends that i'm in trouble.

"Okay, so are you going to chain me up or tie me up or something?" I boldly questioned them.

"No" Maya answered.

"Why not?" I curiously asked, as i took a seat next to Bri on the sofa.

Maya raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to?"

"Of course not! I don't understand" i said momentarily bemused.

"There are three of us here, we are always around you and no one knows where we are, so yes. I also know you are not stupid enough to try anything or Veronica will shoot you!" She warned me.

I nodded slightly. "Oh and you could take it as you're spared of all punishments" Veronica added.

"Here's the stuff you asked for", Veronica handed Maya a bag of white powder. My eyes widened in astonishment and my gaze fell on Maya as she sniffed it up

Maya does drugs? I looked back at Brianna to see her furious as ever. Her face was red, even the tip of her ears turned pink and if this was a cartoon, I swear steam would come out her ears.

Bri sprang from the couch and walked towards Maya. She snatched the bag from her and tossed it on the floor.

"What the fuck, Maya? You're taking pot again? You know it caused Summer her life and here you are with it once again." She hissed angrily.

"Look relax sis, it started with this and now it is going to end with this" She wiped her nose.

"You bitch! I knew you were never a good influence on her, you always encouraged her in dirty activities, you took her to her first club, you took her to that frat party where she lost her virginity, why would you do that?" Bri spat.

"Because i hate her!!" She shouted. Her sudden harsh outburst caused Maya to drop her glass of water.

"What are you talking about Veronica? You are my good friend, we were friends for the past four years." Maya pleaded gently.

"Yeah well before we became friends, don't you remember you and your pathetic friends, Stella and Rihanna would make fun of me. Just because I wasn't like you guys. Yes, I have piercings, I have dark blue and purple streaks in my hair, I can play the guitar, I was a loner, I always sat in the back of the class, I'm not a freak!" She screamed, tears welded up her eyes.

"Wow! Look sorry to interupt but what did you mean Bri, when you said that it caused Summer her life?" I interrogated the girls.

Bri glared at me, "Shut up, Hannah! Not -"

"I think She should know" Veronica cut in with a wide smirk.

"Yes do tell me" I was getting angry now. My own best friend was acting like a bitch to me.

"Don't you dare!" Bri threatened.

"Too late. So news flash, Maya was the last one to visit Summer. When Maya was Summer, Summer was applying an icepack to her face. It looked like someone had punched her, but Summer dared not say anything. And Summer was also drunk.Maya had taken a whole lot of pot, practically an overdose, so they were both in a state, where basically anything could have happened. Summer and Maya had sat down to talk, it was awkward and then they kissed, when it was turning into something more again, Summer stopped and backed away. Summer was drunk and She backed into a wall and rested. Maya was hesitant and angry that Summer always did that to her. Maya loved her, but Summer denied her love. So Maya started screaming at her and Summer was crying. Maya told her to break up with Tyler,she must or She would harm Tyler. Now remember Maya wasn't in her senses, so She could have literally tried to harm him, but Summer claimed to love him and She didn't want the world to know. She thought it was a sin, a mistake and She regretted everything. Maya tried to comfort her, She walked to the kitchen. She picked up the knife and said she'd kill herself. Maya didn't beloved her for one second and steeped closer but it was too late. Summer had killed herself. Maya panicked and immediately left."

Her words were poisonous like venom. Maya was the cause, but it was because She was taking pot. Everything felt foreign, I now had discovered that it was Maya and Veronica's fault that my best friend died as well as my best friends had been keeping so many secrets from me. And I just witnessed a side of Brianna which I would have never guessed existed. Mason is away on vacation, in the Bahamas so I guessed, She was a little frustrated too.

"Hannah, are you happy? Now, you know Maya did it. Go, go tell everyone." Bri hissed.

"I wanna help her with her drug problem, I don't wanna hurt her or send her to prison" I tried to sympathise.

"Lies" She cried.

"It doesn't matter because none of you are going anywhere" Veronica's voice rose and pointed the gun towards us. Her finger was on the trigger.

I now remembered something. Where's my phone? I wondered who was calling? Did they receive my texts?

"Food for thought" Veronica saw my expression.

"My phone?" I truthfully spoke.

"I think the battery is low, because it switched off automatically"

"Yeah, the battery's low" i lied. The battery was not low. I had set up an auto switch lock every 20 minutes i'm inactive.

"That's good" She grinned evily.

I then heard a loud knock on the door.

Veronica growled and called, "Who is it?"

"It's Taylor" chirped a girly voice from outside.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Veronica impatiently commented.

"Hey let me in, I know Bri, Maya and Hannah is in there. Now let me III n before I call the Cops. I have the number on speed dial" She threatened.

"You!" Veronica pointed to Brianna, "Make your friend leave, but if you dare tell her what's going on, I will kill all of you on the spot" She snapped like a venomous cobra.

Bri gulped and nodded. Veronica looked at us from the corner of her eye, while she carefully watched Bri go to open the door.

"Bri, why are you guys here? What's going on? Why did you not tell us where you were going? And why here? Brianna, answer me!" Taylor demanded.

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