Chapter seven_ Chasing Maya

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>>pic of Maya

Hannah's p.o.v

My knuckles lightly scratched the door. The door was opened by Mrs. Hastings, "Oh Hannah, I am so worried" She stated nervously.

My eyebrows knitted in confusion as she spoke, "Do you know where Maya or Brianna is?"

I shook my head and asked, " That's why I am here. Brianna wasn't in school today and wait, wasn't Maya going by her friend, Stella's house?"

"I checked and she wasn't there. Maya and Brianna weren't by any of their friends. They just mysteriously disappeared last night" she worriedly replies. A few more wrinkles found themselves on her forehead, leaving a couple creases making her look older.

My mind drifted off. Both the sisters gone? What could have happened? What happened? A thought interrupted my overthinking and then there was that possibility. Just maybe.

"Um Mrs.Hastings, I forgot my physics book up in Brianna's room. Can I go take a look?" I lied.

She nodded as I sped into Bri's room. Was it still there? I lifted the mattress to reveal Bri's diary. I grimaced and found myself flipping through the pages. I finally found what I was looking for. There it was. The most recent written journal was last night. I immediately read it, it just said that Maya wanted Bri to come to her friend, Veronica's house. Bri doesn't like Veronica But Maya said her parents weren't home it was just them. So she went.

Maybe they are still at Veronica's house? Hopefully.....


Two hours earlier

"It's unlike Bri to miss her Calculus Exam especially when she knows her parents will ground her of she fails" Taylor replied, taking a bite of her kit kat.

I nodded in agreement, " Yes, I wonder what's wrong with her"

"Maybe you should visit her later. Maybe she's sick?" Taylor suggested.

"Why me?" I curiously asked.

"I can't. You know my mom is back and she doesn't want to visit y'all because the whole 'find Summer 's killer quest' " She stated.

"Oh Yeah. I will"

Jasmine past us and I stopped her. She was Maya's friend.

"Oh Jasmine, do know where Maya is?" I asked looking around the hallways for her.

"Last night, she told me she was going by her friend, Stella" She answered and scurried off to her chemo class. Yeah, That's right. She is a bit shy.



I scribbled the address in a paper and messaged it to Tyler. Someone needed to know where I was going. Honestly, I didn't like Veronica either. I think she is a bad influence on Maya. Veronica is bad ass, she smokes and throws parties constantly. She also has three boyfriends and a skull crossed tattoo on her waist as well as a navel piercing so you know she wears the crop top and yeah the leather jacket and the long denium jeans.

I walked back to see Mrs. Hastings. She glanced at me and questioned, "Didn't you find your physics book, hun?"

I hesitated but lied anyways, "No, I think Taylor has it. So I'm going and if I hear anything about the girls, I will tell you"

She nodded and sweetly smiled.

I walked down the street and I glimpsed a yellow taxi, coming at full speed in the distance.

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