Chapter six_ Interrogating Taylor( A Taylor POV)

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>>pic of taylor

Taylor's p.o.v

I awoke to the sound of my neighbour shouting at his wife. "You useless bitch! You can't do anything right! Look at the twins! Josh is a drug addict and Laila is pregnant! What kind of parenting is this? I come from England four months later to come back to this! You lying-" i drowned out the rest of his words by burying my head into my pillow.

I know what you're thinking. Are they always like this? Yes, they are. Even before Mr. Jennings left for work in England he and Mrs. Jennings would argue. And the twins? Well I have managed to keep my distance. Word is that Laila is pregnant for either Cameron or Davis. Davis was her boyfriend and Cameron was her boy toy. Mrs. Jennings works often and doesn't really have time. She loses control of her emotions fast and uses sleeping pills. Josh and Laila are allowed to do whatever they want she doesn't give a damn and for that Mr. Jennings is extremely angry.

There was a knock on the door, "Mrs. Waters, breakfast" smiled Mrs. Passero, the housekeeper. She left the tray of toasted bread with peanut butter and a refreshing glass of orange juice and exited my room.


My mom works late unlike Hannah's mom. The main thing we have in common is that we both have single parent household and we live with our mom. I mean I don't have a choice. My dad abandoned us, because he didn't want a family, he didn't want us. Ever since, I have hated my dad and I always will.

It's Monday and everyone's going to be at home. It's ditch day! Well, majority of the school population except for the geeks. They have to maintain their perfect attendance. I mean I'm really smart and Yeah, I'm supposed to be wearing glasses( I wear contacts), but i don't give a fuck!

"Miss Waters, I was promised the day off today. May I leave?" The red haired woman asked, putting down the vaccum.

I sighed and nodded as the housekeeper left. It was just me. I wonder what Brianna and Hannah were up too. Maybe I should give them a call? Should i?

"You good for nothing, bitch. Get out of here now!" Mr. Jennings' voiced boomed like a cannon, making me shiver in fright. I heard a huge thud and i eagerly peered through the window.

I watched as Laila picked up her briefcase, sour tears streaming down her face, and her eyes were now red and puffy. Her parents then slammed the door and closed the windows. I continued watching as Laila stood there speechless. She looked down at her belly and gently caressed it.

A car sped up to her driveway and a young boy around our age stepped out. He had red fiery hair, a couple freckles and silver eyes. She ran and embraced him and kissed him passionately. "Davis" she said. He took her briefcase in one hand and with the other he entwined hands with her. They entered the car and disappeared around the corner.

A loud knock broke me out of my stare and I went to answer it. I peeped through the keyhole to see a familiar brunette. I opened it and greeted her, " Hannah, OMG I didn't expect to see you here"

"Well i came to hang and return something to you" She spoke abruptly. Her lips were pressed in a thin line and she looked serious.

"Uh sure" i muttered confused. I never lent her anything? What is there to return?

She walked in and I closed the door.

"Does this belong to you?" She questioned me holding my ballpoint cursive pen

"Yeah thanks" I reached for it but she hid it behind her back.

"So a couple of days ago," she started pacing around me back and forth, "I opened Summer's locker and a bunch of letters fell out. And guess what they were threat notes!" She let out a forced laugh and awaited my response.

I stiffened at her words and tried to remain calm, "And?"

"You used that same pen to write the threat notes, I know because you use that handwriting in English! Why would you do that? I thought you wanted her to stay away because he would hurt her but it turns out you are the one hurting her! Maybe you are secretly in love with him! I don't know and for god's sake maybe you made her commit suicide! You killed Summer-"

Tears trickled down my cheeks as I shouted, "Stop! That's enough!"

"Ready to tell me the truth" her eyed gleamed with anger and hurt.

"Look, I didn't kill Summer, I didn't do anything to hurt her, I promise just hear me out, Hannah. Please!" I begged.

"I don't know! I don't know anything anymore! All of you are keeping secrets from me!" She screamed in frustration.

"Look let me start," I sighed and patted the place in the cushion next to me and she hesitated for a minute before seating beside me.

"A few months, before Tyler and Summer were dating, I actually had a crush on him. He was in a couple of my classes. When he saw our little group, it was Summer he fell for. And it turned out Summer fell for him as well. Each time Tyler spent with us, I liked him more. He is so perfect, he's sweet, romantic and totally gorgeous. I was always filled with envy when I saw them together. Then that day came when I couldn't take it anymore so I starting leaving her threat for about 2 months, but they never worked. The day before she died, I was at her house also. I decided to tell her the truth how I felt. She was on the phone talking to Tyler when I arrived, she ended her call and cane to chat with me. I told her I wanted to say something about Tyler, then she just went off talking about how Tyler could never cheat on her and that he was the best boyfriend, blah blah blah"

"That's when I blew it and was like Tyler should be mine, I liked him before you. We were arguing when she threatened to tell everyone the truth. She said she'd tell everyone including Tyler. I begged and cried for her not too, but she started dialing Tyler anyway. I slapped the phone away from her and punched her in the face and ran out the door. And yes, that's all that happened." I ended my tale.

"Hey it's okay" Hannah said and pulled me into a comforting hug.

"She was our best friend, but she didn't deserve him not when she was cheating on him with Maya" she randomly spoke.

I gasped, my mouth opened in awe, " Maya?"

"Yes, Summer was with Maya. Bri's sister" she clarified.

All that I could have said was, "Poor Tyler, I wonder how he's taking it?"

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