Chapter nine_Added captives to the group

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Lovely Graphic/ Banner to the side RubieCat .

Recap: Brianna and Maya goes missing. Hannah goes to the Hastings' household and reads Brianna's diary which guides her to Veronica's house. Veronica is Maya's rebellious friend. Hannah discovers that the Hastings' sisters had been there all along. It's Maya's hideout, as she was the fault of Summer's death. Maya is using pot, much to her sister's disapproval. It is uncovered that Veronica hates Maya and has been waiting to extract revenge. The group is held captive by Veronica, who threatens them with a gun. Taylor finds them, as Hannah had previously messaged her, and she is greeted by Brianna.

Hannah's pov

"Taylor, please leave!" Bri said straightly.

"No i'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on!" She demanded again.

"Taylor, get out of here and leave me alone or you are going to regret it!" Bri warned.

Taylor was incredibly stubborn so she stood her grounds, "No!"

I watched in anxiety as Veronica walked to the door and pointed her gun at Taylor, "Get in!"

Taylor gulped and she immediately shook her head.

"Well, it looks like we have a new member for our group and remember if any of you tries to make a move, i will waste no time in killing you" She gritted her teeth.

"Answer me!" She furiously commanded.

"Yeah" we all said in unison.

"Good" she said.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" Taylor asked bluntly.

"I don't know, watch a movie, talk, eat snacks" Veronica shrugged.

"We are allowed too? I mean you are holding us captive" She pointed out.

"Yes, you go ahead and do those stuff, but I am keeping an eye on you, No smart ass moves" She cautioned us.

"Kk" Taylor smiled and walked to the kitchen and opened the cabinet.

She opened it and she picked up something just to drop it on the ground, "What the heck?"

I got up to see a large back of white powder, it looked like pot had scattered on the floor.

"You take pot too?" I asked Veronica.

She shifted uncomfortable and mumurmed, "Yes"

"That explains her mood and behaviour" Taylor mumbled under her breath but Veronica protested, "I heard that"

"You should clean this" i gestured my hand to the area on the floor, where the drugs were dispersed.

"But i don't trust you brats" She said and glanced at all four of us. Taylor, Maya, Brianna and I.

The tv remote suddenly slipped from Maya's hand. "Clumsy bitch" Veronica muttered, gun in one hand and bent down to pick it you, when Maya attacked her. Maya jumped on her back and grabbed the gun forcefully, but Veronica's grip tightened. Maya tugged once again, but roughly this time and Maya also punched Veronica in her face and succeeded in snatching the gun. She was victorious!

Maya held the gun towards us and spoke, "Now you guys will listen to me and we are not going anywhere"

We continued watching as Veronica got up from the ground. She was shocked as well as angry. She touched her eye, which was now slightly swollen and turning blue black. She got a black eye. Maya is dangerous.

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