Chapter five_ Mystery Of The Letters

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Video added - PLL- Pretty little liars. Love that show! Make sure to watch it on ABC family.

Hannah's p.o.v

"What the actual fuck!" I shrieked.

"I know right!" She replied.

"So what happened after they made out and you caught them?"

"They broke apart and they made me promise not to tell. Summer said other was a mistake and Maya agreed. The other day it was really awkward for them, Maya was blushing when Summer was around and was a bit jealous when she was with Tyler. Summer couldn't keep her emotions, in check. She didn't know what she wanted and for an entire week everyday she and Summer was together and Yes she cheated on Tyler with Maya. Maya had started falling for her, the same time Summer knew what she was doing was wrong. She couldn't risk the consequences of being caught, there were too many possibilities. So she broke the relationship she and Maya had been secretly sharing and continued her relationship with Tyler. Maya was heartbroken and hurt, she stayed in her room most of the time and even If she and Summer spoke, they both knew it would never be the. Summer had been ignoring Maya and Maya was angry at her. Maya tried to encounter her but Summer pushed her and she was slammed into a wall. Summer didn't mean to hurt her, but Tyler was on his way so she left her there and that was where my anger arises! She was our best friend, but she was being a total bitch and she knew it" Bri finished.

"Im sorry i didn't know all that" I apologised.

"It's okay" she commented.

"Where is Maya?" I asked.

"In her room, I think" She stated.

We got up and I followed Bri to her sister's room. Brianna knocked once, twice and then thrice. She opened door and Maya wasn't inside. Hmm.. strange.

Mrs. Hastings appeared out of the corner and spoke, "Looking for Maya?"

Bri and I nodded simultaneously.

"Sorry loves, but she just went over a friend's house. She will be back later"

"Okay" I answered.

"So what are we supposed to do now? Any more secrets I should know off?" I teased.

Bri took it seriously, "Yes"

My smile faltered and I cocked my head lightly to the side in bemusement.

"You have to promise me you won't tell her I told you"

"Yeah I promise"

"No I'm serious. I know you might not believe it but it's the truth"

"I will believe you, just tell me"

"Okay, so you did not hear this from me, but a couple of weeks ago, I saw Taylor drop a letter inside her locker before Summer past away and all. She had it in a white envelope. The hallways were clear and no one was there. I was late for class with Mr. Adams and I hid behind a locker and saw"

Letter in Summer's locker?


"Yes and here is a pen she dropped" She said and handed me a blue ink thin nibbed pen that is used to write mainly in cursive.

I examined the pen and gasped. I felt like my head was spinning. I needed to get out of there. "Um look Bri I gotta go, I just remembered I had a history pop quiz"

She nodded. We then walked to the halls and I asked Mrs. Hastings, "Could you give me a lift home?"

Sure thing, sweetheart" She smiled warmly and grabbed her keys.


I called out for my mother, she wasn't there and neither was her car. A purple note stuck to the refridgerator's door caught my eye and I frantically skimmed it.

At Sarah's house, won't be home till 6
Love, mom

Great, it was 2 o' clock. What am i supposed to do? An idea popped into my juvenile mind and i anxiously unzipped my bag and pulled out the threat notes i had took from Summer's locker. They were all written in cursive and to be fair it was similar to Taylor's handwriting.
But it just didn't seem like something Taylor would do.

I mean why would she do that? Is she trying to warn Summer against Tyler, is he cheating on her? Taylor didn't like Tyler, no? No, of course If she did, she would have told us, she won't have watched the Guy she liked (If she liked Tyler) go out with her best friend.

I fell back on my bed, the letters falling on the ground. This mystery just got a whole lot more complicated. I thought the killer was Bri, but it isnt. If Bri was lying to me i would have known, she isn't a good liar. I do believe Bri, she and Matt can be very overprotective of Maya.

Even once in middle school, Maya was getting bullied and when Bri found out she punched the kid in his face, giving him a black eye and when Matt found out he actually beat the kid although he himself was a kid. The Hastings siblings are ironically one year apart.


There was a gentle knock at the door half an hour later and I opened it to see just the person I wanted to see. Well, I did tell him to come over. I scanned his features, he still looked broken, his eyes displayed sadness and his lips were pressed in a thin line and he even stubles, but he still was good-looking.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked casually.

I kept my eyes glued to him, I stepped closer to him, I saw panic arise in his eyes. Before he could have spoken, my hand harshly brushed his right cheek.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for!" He exclaimed angrily putting a hand to his sore cheek.

"Why the hell did you cheat on Summer?" I questioned him.

"Fuck Hannah! What are you talking about? I did not cheat on Summer! Why would I cheat on her?" He aroused back.

"Liar!", I argued back slapping him again.

"I did not! She's the one who cheated on me!" He gritted his teeth and his voice sounded more serious. I was alittle scared.

"Look Hannah, I don't know where you got that idea from but it isn't true. You know how much I love her. God, I was in love with her damn! You are her best friend, well were. There are no other girls and If you saw Ashley talking to me, you know she is a clingy ex. We didn't do anything and we were talking in the busy hallways for everyone to see and"

I cut his speech, "It's okay, Tyler. Sorry I had slapped you."

"Twice" he corrected.

"Right, twice"

"I just thought"

He cut me short, "It's okay" and I don't know why but we hugged. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest. I guess we both needed a friend, someone who understood how we were feeling and we both also needed assurance that Everything that going to be okay.


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