Chapter 38: Protection

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Third Person POV:

The group of Kaze, Machi, Kurapika, and Zushi had taken care of most of the Phantom Troupe members by this point. Kaze usually getting them into a position for Machi to tie them in her thread which gave Kaze the opportunity to knock them out. Kurapika would then bound them in the chains. Zushi would keep look out to make sure no one snuck up on them and so far, everything was going according to plan.

"Alright, that's Shizuku taken care of. God, didn't think she would put up that much of a fight. Who knew a vacuum could be so lethal." Kaze said cracking his back. He was pretty tired by this point, fighting each member of the Troupe in a row and having suffered at least one injury from each fight.

He got a small concussion from Phinks, his nose broken by Shalnark, thrown into a wall by Franklin, sliced on his arm by both Nobunaga and Feitan, a vacuum slammed into his spine by Shizuku, and worst of all, kicked in the nuts by Pokunoda. But they still managed to get the job done. They spoke among themselves in a whisper in order to not be heard.

"All that's left is Steph, Uvo, and last but not least, Chrollo." Machi said as they approached Steph's.

"You guys! It literally says 'You Are Sus' and there's a phone number on here." Zushi said pointing at Steph's door with wide eyes. Machi chuckled.

"Oh yeah, Kaze wrote that on his door the day he called him out for kidnapping Gon." Machi said smirking.

"Then what's with the phone number?" Kurapika said with an expression of confusion.

"It's Chris Hansen's." Kaze answered. Kurapika's eyes went wide.

"How the hell did you get Chris Hansen's phone number!?" Kurapika whisper yelled.

"I have my ways. Alright, let's do this." Kaze said before busting down the door but noticed something once the door was open. "Oh shit..."

"Uhh, Kaze? You ok?"

"He's not in here." Machi's eyes widened.

"He's not?" Machi asked as she looked through the door and sure enough, Steph was no where to be found.

"Wait, but if he isn't here then that means..." Kurapika paused for a moment as well as the other three before they all came to the same realization and whisper yelled in unison.


The group instantly booked it to the room they knew Killua and most likely Steph would be in. They ran for about a minute until the old rusted metal door came into view. Kaze kicked the door open. As soon as he did this the group froze and stared at what they saw.

Killua was there, pummeling the bloody unrecognizable mess that was Steph. He was holding him by the collar of his shirt as he grunted with each thunderous punch that was thrown. His hands covered in blood as well as some sprayed on his clothes. His eyes held nothing but hatred and rage as he continued to ruthlessly thrash Steph. The group could do nothing but watch as Killua beat Steph within an inch of his life.

"RAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!" Killua roared in rage before bringing his fist down one last time on Steph's face with every ounce of his remaining strength. He paused for a moment before throwing him to the ground harshly and standing up on his feet.

He was breathing heavy. His clothes were torn slightly and there were a few cuts and scrapes, as well as some bruises littered on Killua's body to show that Steph didn't go down without a fight.

He stood there panting for a moment before he gave Steph's beaten body another kicked to his side. Then he walked closer and lifted his foot before stomping on his testicles with full force.

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