Chapter 25: News

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Killua POV:

After the camping trip we all went back to our homes. Leorio dropped me and my little siblings off at our home. We waved goodbye to our friends and went inside. We all went to our respective rooms and set our stuff down. Once I was finished I slipped out of my clothes into my lounge wear and layed down in my bed and turned on the TV.

After watching TV for a few hours I heard the door open revealing the butler Canary.

"Master Killua, Master Silva said that he needs to speak with you. He is in his office." She said in her standard butler voice. I give her a nod and she then takes her leave closing the door behind her. I turned the TV off and got up from my bed and walked over to my door, exiting the room.

I walked down the hallways eventually coming to my dad's office. I knock on the door and hear a 'come in' from a deep voice on the other side. I walk in and see my dad at his desk writing something on a piece of paper. Once I close the door behind me my dad looks up and realizes it's me.

"Ah, Kil. It's good to see you. How was the camping trip?" My father says in a calm tone.

"It was fun." I answered simply. Walking towards him and sitting in the seat across from him.

"I'm glad." My dad pauses for a bit writing something down on his paper before looking up at my clasping his hands together. "So Kil, I'm sure you've heard the news of my new movie coming up." I nod. "And I'm sure you also heard about your roll in it as well." I nod slowly slightly frowning. "Well, I wanted to let you know that filming will start at the end of next week. We'll be taking a plane to London to start filming." My eyes grow wide in shock as I stare back at my father.

"Are you serious?!" I says shocked. My father simply just nods. I sigh in defeat dropping my head looking at the floor already knowing how these conversations usually go. I tell dad I don't feel like doing it but then he just reminds me of how well the movies do and how disappointed the fans would be if I didn't appear. Not to mention that my casting was basically already confirmed even though I never agreed to it. "H-how long will we be gone?" I muttered softly but my father still heard me.

"Until the end of the school year. You'll be taking the rest of your classes virtually."

"But... but what about Gon?" I say in a sad voice.

"Just let him know as soon as you see him. I'm sure he'll understand. Better to tell him early than wait till the day before." My father tells me. I nod slowly, my gaze never leaving the floor. "That is all Kil. You're free to leave." I get up from the seat and sluggishly make my way towards the door opening, stepping out and closing it behind me.

'How am I supposed to tell him? How is he gonna react? I don't want to leave him. To the end of the school year no less, that's damn near 5 months. Man...'

As I'm walking down the hall I heard a soft set of footsteps slowly coming towards me. I look up to see my little sister's second personality.

"K-killua?" Nanika asks, her dark eyes staring into mine.

"Hi Nanika..." I reply in a sad tone.

"W-why is K-killua so s-sad?" Nanika says coming closer to me.

"I have to leave next week with dad for a movie shoot." Nanika's blank expression saddens at my statement.

"Awww... N-nanika will m-miss K-killua. But t-that doesn't explan why K-killua is sad." I sigh.

"I have to leave Gon, and I don't want to. He'll be so devastated. I don't want him to think I'm just abandoning him. He doesn't deserve that." I say in a shaky voice. I didn't even notice I was starting to cry until I felt something wet stream down my cheek and drop onto the floor with a soft splashing sound. Nanika's face softens as she walks closer to me and cups my cheeks with her hands.

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