Chapter 24: Waterfall

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Killua POV:

I slowly awoke to a feeling of something rubbing against my lowering area and the sounds of muffled hums coming from a person laying down next to me. I glanced to my left and saw Gon with his arms wrapped around my neck as he was... *ahem* grinding against my thigh as his eyes were still closed.

"G-gon..?" I asked but received no response as he still continued his act. I felt him plant a soft kiss on my neck as he moaned.

"K-killua~" he whispered while still grinding against me. My face flushed a bright red as I felt my body heat up. 'Is he having a-'

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear the entrance to our tent zip open to see Leorio peak his head through.

"GET UP LOVE BIRDS!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!" Leorio yelled which startled me and suddenly woke up Gon who groaned. With that, the old man's head quickly disappeared out of the tent.

"Mannnnn... I was having a good dream." Gon whined sleepily.

"I'm sure you were." I whispered.

"What was that Killua?"

"Nothing! Let's go get breakfast." I said smiling grabbing Gon's wrist and dragging him out the tent. Once we got outside we were greeted by the sight of Alluka, Kalluto, and Zushi eating together, Leorio preparing breakfast, and Kurapika handing us our plates. We thanked him and sat down with the others.

"Hey, have you guys seen Kaze?" Gon asked as they all shook their heads.

"He was gone when I woke up so I have no idea where he is." Zushi said shrugging. "He better not have gotten himself lost or I'm gonna whoop that son of a bi-" Zushi cut himself off remembering that Alluka and Kalluto were here. "...bench."

"Nice save there Zushi." I said rolling my eyes. We continued to eat breakfast and talk for another half hour. Eventually Kaze came back.

"Kaze!" Zushi ran up to him and hugged him. Kaze smiled hugging him back and kissed him on the forehead. "Where were you!?" I was worried y'know." Zushi scolded Kaze.

"My, how the tables have turned. I just went for a walk. I'm an early bird if that wasn't obvious enough." Kaze said.

He looked kind of stressed but I wasn't gonna press forward nor was anyone else so we just shrugged it off and went back to what we were doing.

"Yo Kaze, you want some breakfast?" Leorio asked.

"Nah, not hungry. Thanks Leo." Kaze said waving off Leorio before sitting down next to Zushi.

"Well, since I'm assuming everyone is satisfied, get your stuff ready guys, because we're going hiking to the waterfall!" Kurapika said throwing his hands in the air.

"WATERFALL!!" Gon, Alluka, and Kalluto all yelled mimicking Pika's action.

"Well then, with that being said, let's get packing." Leorio said clapping his hands together.

"SIR YES SIR!!" Alluka and Kalluto said posturing up and saluting the old man before literally marching to their tent to get their stuff.

Once everyone got their items settled we met outside and got ready to leave.

"Everyone ready to go?" Pika asked as everyone said yes except Kaze who staring off somewhere.

"Kaze..." Zushi said grabbing his arm and shaking it gently. "Kaze! oh for Christ's sake... KAZE!!!"

"WHO?! WHAT?! WHEN?! WHERE?! HUH?! oh..." Kaze said abruptly snapping out of his thoughts. We all just gave him a strange look.

"Are you ok? You're acting weird." Zushi asked worridly.

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