Chapter 21: Unaccepted

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Zushi POV: (Gasp!! A pov that isn't Gon, Killua or Kaze?! What dimension is this?!? 😱😱)

'This is it. I'm gonna do it.' I thought to myself preparing for what I was about to do. As the weeks went on, and spending more time with my friends I've been having these strange feelings. Specifically feelings towards Gon's 'big bro' Kaze. I know this is hella weird and probably will make a lot of people uncomfortable but, I like Kaze. Actually no, I'm in love with Kaze.

I've had conversations with Gon about my feelings and my attraction towards Kaze. As our conversations about the subject went deeper I've realized that I've never had any attraction towards any girls. I don't know why, and I feel dumb that it took my this long to notice it but I do now, and I've come to the only logical conclusion I can think of. I am one gay ass dood.

Well specifically for Kaze but you get the point. 'I'm gonna come out to my parents!' And with that I opened my door and marched my way to my parents room.

With each step my anxiety increased. I had no idea what my parents reaction would be. I was especially afraid of my dad's reaction. My dad isn't necessarily a stable person... Ok that's actually an understatement, he's a huge alcoholic who constantly gets in fights with my mom which really worries me. I just hope he doesn't do anything to her. If he hasn't already that is.

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize I was standing outside my parents bedroom door. I immediately started second guessing myself and began to tremble. My clothes becoming damp from my sweat and my head beginning to spin. My mind was telling me this was a bad idea. That they would never accept me, think I'm disgusting and that I should just keep it a secret. I shook my head trying to get rid of all the negative thoughts pilling up in my brain. I gulped in an attempt to swallow the lump in my throat but to no avail. I inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh before slowly reaching my shaking hand to the doorknob, grabbing it, twisting it, then slowly opening the door.

"Mom? Dad?" I peaked my head through the door to see them on the bed watching TV. They both looked at me. My mom giving me a curious look, my dad a bored one.

"What is it honey?" My mom said in a soft voice.

"There's something I wanna tell you guys." I said walking towards the bed and sat on it in front of my parents facing them with my legs crossed and my hands resting in front of me. My mother muted the TV giving me her undivided attention while my dad sat there with his arms crossed looking to the side.

"Well what is it? Spit it out already." My dad said in an annoyed voice. I took a long shaky breath before attempting to speaking.

"I-I..." I couldn't get my words out. I was so terrified. My heart was beating out of my chest and my anxiety was at an all time high.

"Is something wrong Zushi? You look troubled." My mom asked with concern both in her voice and on her face.

"I-I... I'm... I'm gay..." I muttered softly but they both still heard me. My mother looked taken aback and my dad finally looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're... gay?" My mother asked. I simply nodded too afraid to even mutter another word. I looked down, ashamed to even face them as tears began to fill my eyes. Suddenly I heard my mother giggle softly. "Oh sweetie, it's ok. I'm just surprised is all." I looked up at her with wide eyes as she smiled at me cupping one of my cheeks in her warm hand. "You don't have to feel ashamed. I accept you for who you are. You are my son after all. And I'm certain your father accepts you too. Right honey?" She asked looking towards my father who's face held the same expression as earlier. "Honey?" My mother said nudging his shoulder.

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