Chapter 17

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"Hey vanessa look what I found" adam number 2 came from behind me.

"What did you find" I ask him.

"A way to get rid of the clones" he said.

"Really what did you find out" I ask him.

"A true loves kiss will do the trick and end this mess with a new beginning" he read off adams phone.

"Wow where did you find this" I ask him.

"The same website I found the videos of the guy trying out the clone machine" he told me.

"So I guess this is the power of the true loves kiss and everything will be back to normal" I say.

"Yeah it should" he assured me.

"Well what are we waiting for go guys someone kiss him" vance yells at us.

"But who" lori asks him.

"Uh who ever he likes duh" he said.

"Well he likes me and vanessa what are we gonna do" lori questions him.

"Um you both kiss him" he suggests.

"No I think he likes lori and lori should go" I tell them.

"What no I thought" I cut her off.

"You like him too so you should do it I'm his second anyway" I say.

"You sure" she asks me.

"Yeah just go" but inside I felt like I was gonna be sick. Lori my sister and adam my long time crush. I didn't seem right. not one bit.


"What" I turn around and see lori.

"Uh hey lori" I say.

"Hey adam so your in trouble and the only way to save you is" she got cut of by perfect.

"Who cares lori no one that's who anyway let's get this finshed once and for all" and then he drops the duplex igniter from the top of the Ferris wheel all the way down to the ground.

"What did you do" I grab and push him to the ground. suddenly the Ferris wheel started to spin.

"What's happening" I ask lori.

"Vanessa" that's all she says.

I look down and see vanessa,vance and with them helping was danny and Sheldon. I smile as I look down. those were my best friends. the Ferris wheel finally stops.

"Here vance can you tie this guy up" I point to perfect who was grumbling on the ground.

"Sure thing baker" he picks up perfect and ties him up.

"Danny Sheldon you guys came I thought you guys were mad at me" I say quietly.

"Adam were your wing men and we're always by your side" Sheldon said.

"Thanks guys" I pull them into a hug.

"Well if that's over with let's have the true loves kiss so the clones can be gone" vanessa sighs.

"Sure but wait how about the duplex igniter don't we need that" I ask her.

"No true loves like the only cure or something just have your kiss so I can go home" she says. she seemed a bit pissed off.

"Ok so I have to kiss lori" I ask.

"Yes now go" said adam #2.

"Ok ok so how do I do this" then lori kissed me. but the weird thing was a voice inside of my head said don't kiss back so I didn't. but that's when I truly learned:

I've been in love with the wrong person this whole entire time.

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