Chapter 10

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Adam took me out of the crowed.

"Shouldn't we be waiting for perfect to come like I should take him to the slide and make him go down there why are we here" I asked him.

"There's been a change in plans" adam said.

That's all he said until I realized that I wasn't even talking to adam. he took water from a fountain and put his hair back.

"Perfect" I exclaimed.

"Yup now come let's go" he grabbed my hand forcefully.

"Let go" I tried to pull away.


"Oh my god I should've stayed with her" said vanessa.

"Uh there's gotta be something we can do" I said.

"Hey adam hey vanessa I loved your performance" it was gillan.

"Hey gillan I liked yours too" said vanessa.

"Wait gillan kick me" I said.

"What do you mean" she gave me a funny look.

"Just kick me I don't care---" she kicked me right in the you know what.

"Owwwwwww" I fall to the floor.

"Haha I'm going to my friends house see ya later" she waved at me and hugged Vanessa.

"You ok" Vanessa gave me her hand.

"Yup and I hope perfect felt the same" I said.

"Obviously he's your clone he has to feel it" said Vanessa.

"Come on we gotta catch up to them before perfect does something else" I said grabbing Vanessa's hand and going to the slide.

We run up to the slide. we see lori and perfect having a fight.
"lori throw it too me" Vanessa screams.

i just saw that lori had the transmitter in her hand. she tries to throw it but epically fails and perfect catches it.

"Ha" he says grinning.

"Give that too me" Lori yanks it out of his hand and boom she almost falls over the slide.

"Adam help" she yells.

Me and Vanessa quickly run up to her.

"I'll grab her and pull her up you go get perfect" I said to Vanessa.

"Why do I have to go" she asks me.

"Because he would never hurt you now go please" I say.

I see her run to perfect as soon as she Goes perfect stops fighting. what did she say or do or whatever she did it made him stop. I look to lori and in the bottom of the slide I see danny and Sheldon.

"Adam let go of her we turned it off does she have the transmitter" danny asked yelling.

"Yes she does I'm sending her" I yell back.

"Thanks lori" I tell her.

"Any time adam any time" she smiles and I let go of her. I see her go down the slide safely.

"Hey adam a little help her" I hear Vanessa call my name.

"Coming" I say running to her.

"Kick him" I yell.

"But I'll kick you and--"

"Don't worry about me just do it" I say.

She kicks me hard. I fall to the ground moaning for help.

"Sorry" she says.

"Sorry not sorry" says perfect as he comes up to me.

I get up and start kicking, punching and basically I was trying to kill myself.

"Vanessa go get the rest of the clones" I say to her.

"Are you sure you can handle that" she asks me.

"I'm sure" I say.

"Promise" she said.

"Promise" I reply.


I go down the stairs to get the rest of the clones. I hope adam can handle that. but when I reach the bottom of the stairs I see the clones already there.

"You guys are here I was just about to get you" I said to them.

"I think we found out pretty good you need us" said adam #2.

"Ok let's go back up" I say already start going up.

We all go up and see adam and perfect and the edge of the slide.

"Perfect stop" I scream as loud as I can.

He looks at me and stops. adam rushes underneath him. Perfect comes up to me.

"Hey" he blushes.

I have never see n perfect blush. he was like you know perfect.

"Will you listen to me" I asked him.

"Of course what's up I still have to finish him up" he pointed to adam.

"No just stop fighting please just go down the slide so the whole world isn't in danger" I say to him.

"But I don't wanna go can't adam I'll stay with you forever" he holds my hand.

"No I just want one adam and that's the original adam the same weirdo the I like" I said to him trying to pull my hand away. God he does have a strong grip.

"But I love you" he blurts out.

"What" I choke on air.

"Yes adam does too but I love you more" he says.

"You can't love me more" I said.

"Yes I can" he says.

"No your the same person you can't do that" I say.

"Yes I can" he said again.

Little did he know while we were talking I lead him to the slide. I was facing the slide and he was standing right behind it.

"Ok ok you love more I get it but if you really truly loved me more you would go down the slide for me" I say.

I hope this works.

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