Chapter 8

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Me and adam#2 put adam on the couch. his eyes fluttered open.

"hey adam feeling okay" I asked him.

"yah my head hurts and I feel ichi" he said sleepily trying to scratch his arm.

"Im sorry adam ive shouldn't have yelled at you" said lori looking away at adam.

"It's ok lori....ouch" adam said holding his head.

"Are you okay" asked lori once more.

"I really don't know" he said trying to sit up.

I help him get up or at least try to sit up straight on the sofa. I put my hand on his head.

"You feel a bit hot" I said nervously.

"Thanks I look good every day" he said laughing.

"No seriously I think you might have a fever" I put my hand next to his.

"I can explain guys look at this video" said adam #2.

He put his I pad on the table and started the video. this one was different from the one I watched. It showed the same guy except he looked a lot sicker.

"To get rid of them and save your life you must use the tanning bed and hook up the transmitter to the cloning machine and all the clones should be within 37 miles of each other" said the guy on the video.

I felt adams hand in mine. it gave my stomach butterflies all over the place.

"You must hurry or else you will designate in thin air" he said.

Adams hand squeezed harder. I squeezed back.

"Oh my god we need to do something" said lori.

Suddenly the door opened and Sheldon and danny came through.

"Guys he's firkin gonna die were are you guys" I said yelling a them.

"Sorry but we the tanning bed it's well not in good condition" said Sheldon.

"Hey adam I'm going to the fundraiser show it's starting in an hour and..." that's all he managed to say.

"Uncle Mitch I can explain" said adam getting up and letting go of my hand.

"You used the tanning bed Didn't you" he said eyeing adam.

"Yes he did but please you have to help us" I said.

"What's wrong it's clones even I know you should just plug the transmitter in and all of them should just you know disappear" uncle Mitch said.

"But that's the problem the transmitter it's gone" Sheldon said.

"Wait how" I asked.

"Perfect he took it" danny said.

"Uh oh there's no way he's going to give it back" lori said.

"But that's not the only thing the tanning bed" Sheldon said.

"What" I asked.

"Just come on" he said taking us to the garage.

We all take a good look at the once cloning machine. it was horrible. The machine was ripped up to pieces.

"How are we going to save adam" I said touching the wires. "Ouch" the wires had shocked me.

"You ok" adam took me hand and took good look at it.

"I'm fine just a small one nothing major" I say to him pulling my hand away.

"There's gotta be something we can do" said lori.

"Hey danny can't you fix this your pretty good at this stuff" adam said.

"Actually if I get my computer and plug that wire in it might work but it will take awhile" he said.

"That's fine will just have to catch perfect" I said.

"What about the fundraiser we can't forget that now that vance has left" said Lori tapping her foot.

"Wait vance left why" I asked.

"I don't know but he was pretty scared when he did run out of the park" replied lori.

"Perfect" me and adam both say.

"How are we supposed to save the show find perfect and the transmitter plug it in and still hope adams alive by the end of this" uncle Mitch said.

"I think I've got a plan" said lori.


"And that is" I asked.

"Ok so to save the show we need someone to replace his act" instructed lori.

"Maybe uncle Mitch could can you" I asked him.

"Yes and I've got a great act but we need adams clones" uncle Mitch replied.

"Ok that's fine as long as you don't lose them" said vanessa.

"So after uncle Mitch's act vanessa will do hers but she's singing" said Lori.

"So she's singing what's that gonna do" I asked her.

"When she sings she sings anyone could get attracted by her voice" said lori.

"I can't be that good" exclaimed Vanessa.

"Yes you are I don't care what you sing but sing it from your heart and you will attract perfect and he will come there after I will still pretend that I have no idea you have clones so I will go with him we will take him to the top of the water park slide and that's when Sheldon and danny will hook the cloning machine to the slide so each of the clones go down the slide and boom each of them are gone" said Lori.

"Good idea but perfect there's no way" I said.

"Yes there is I will convince him just leave it up to me" said lori.

"Ok so you and vanessa should go home get ready and we'll meet in an hour at the park" I said.

"Yup come on let's go lori" vanessa said and they both left.

"Ok danny Sheldon get that thing booted up uncle Mitch me and my clones will get to the park with you" I said.

"Sure" said danny And both danny and Sheldon left.

"So uncle Mitch what is this magic trick of yours"

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