Chapter 15

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Me and vance both quickly run to both of them.

"We better take them to the hospital" said vance.

"I don't think it's that bad I'll take her to my house" I said to him.

"What about baker" he asked me.

"Leave him here to rot" I muttered.

"Oh please lori it might of looked bad but it could have a whole different meaning to what we saw" vance told me.

"Well from what I saw he pushed her" I crossed my arms.

"Let's just take them both back to your house" he sighed.

"Fine but if baker even tries to hurt my sister again I swear I'll--" vance cut me off.

"Let's just go" he picked up adam and I picked up vanessa.

I looked at my sister and then at baker. was adam I don't know trying to hurt her. I'll never know until one of them wake up. I hope Vanessa's ok. even if she hates me I still love her.


I woke up on a sofa. I get up and see vance and lori pacing back and forth.

"You don't understand vance he could have done anything to her" says lori.

"Lori" I ask.

"Adam baker what were you doing with my sister" she asked me.

"I have no idea what I was doing its like I don't know I need to talk to vanessa" I said.

"She's still knocked out baker" replied vance.

"No no no I couldn't have please take me to her" I pleaded.

"No I don't care you hurt my sister just leave her alone" lori yelled at me.

"I didn't hurt her" I told her.

"Then who did" she demanded.

"I don't know" I say quietly.

"You did of course" lori says.

"But I swear I didn't do" I say to her.

"I saw you push her with my own eyes" she yells at me.

"Well I don't know what's wrong with me" I scream back.

"I wish I knew the truth baker I sure wish I did" said vance.


I woke up in my own bed. oh that was a horrible dream. I know baker would have never done that and that the clones are gone for good. they should be. I get up from my bed and go look to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and see a cut on my lip. wait wait wait! This is real!? I'm so confused. which means the clones. I dash to my room and open up the door to the secret room. All of them where there except perfect.

"Guys where's perfect" I ask them.

I see adam #2 tied up. I quickly go and help get untangled.

"He's gone he just left and he said he's looking for some kinda of device called the duplex igniter" he said.

"A duplex igniter really first it was the transmitter and now it's this do hickey thing ugh now what is this thing anyway" I ask him.

"I'm not sure because right when I was about to research on it perfect did this to us" he looked at all the clones.

"We better go help them" I say.

"Yeah good idea" he goes around helping the clones.

"So did you tell baker" he asked me.

"Yes but it seemed like perfect was some how like controlling him I've no idea" I said.

"Where is he" he asked me.

"No clue all I remember is getting pushed by adam and then I blacked out" I sigh.

"He might be still at his house or something--" he got cut by lori.

"Vanessa are you awake" lori asked me.

"Shit I better go" I wave to him.

I lay in bed pretending that I was still passed out. i opened one eye to see lori was looking at me.

"Vanessa are you ok" she asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say weakly so she thinks I just woke up.

"Do you remember what happened" she asked me.

I nodded. "yeah and I wanna see him now" I tell her.

"Are you sure" she asked me.

"I'm positive" I nod.

She goes downstairs and gets adam.

"Can we talk alone" I ask her.

"No" she said.

"I have to please he won't hurt me I promise" I pleaded.

"Fine just tell if you need me" she goes out of the room.

"Baker are you ok" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm fine but aren't you mad I kinda pushed you" he says.

"Yeah and I think I know why" I get up and show him the room.

"My clones?"


"My clones" I ask her.

"Yeah" she opens a door I've never really noticed this whole time I was standing in her room. once she opens I realized. all the clones were here the whole time!

"Where's perfect" I ask her looking around and seeing each clone in place.

"We don't know all we know is he has the duplex igniter and that's the answers to all of our problems" vanessa tells me.

"Ugh sometimes I wish I had never even went to find gillan" I mumbled.

"Oh please nothing could have Stopped you to find your own sister" she smiles.

"Vanessa" I ask.


"Do or did you ever like me"


"Is it ok if I tell you my secret"


"I kinda like you"

She smiled. "So do i"

"Ok so if we're done with the love confessions can we please find perfect somehow get rid of him and get this thing over with" adam #2 sighs.

"Oh yeah" I blush.

"So at first we need to find him" vanessa says.

"Yah and I think I know where he is" I say.

"Where" they both ask me.

"Crash n splash duh" I say.

"Oh yeah I'm so stupid" she shakes her head.

"Well we better get going" I said grabbing Vanessa's hand. The clones trailed behind us. Suddenly the door opened......

Sorry for not updating. I was kinda busy. I'll try to do every Friday! Thanks for all the reads love you guys!!❤️

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