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It was already afternoon the next day. Jungwon slid on a denim jacket over his striped black and white t-shirt. As Jake called him to go to his car, the two went off to Chamber 5 University for the second day of Flicker Fest.


After arriving in the school grounds, Jungwon fled from the car while Jake shouted some reminders to him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jungwon muttered while walking away from his brother who was still chanting something about not trusting strangers unless it was one of Jungwon's hyungs or Ni-ki. "I'm eighteen, I can take care of myself," Jungwon sighed while stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his denim jacket, and initially, he met Sunoo who was already waiting for him near the gatehouse.

"Sunoo—!" He cut himself off as he watched Sunoo who was busy staring at something. More like someone. Jungwon dramatically showed the grimace on his face as he looked at who Sunoo was staring at, it was no other than his older brother who locked their car Jungwon just left from, and coolly brushed his hair back as his eyes, too, met with Sunoo's. Jake flashed Sunoo a smile and broke eye contact as he met with Sunghoon and Jay, who both gave him some side hugs as members of the 02z friend group. Sunoo, however, started becoming a blushing mess, his eyes never leaving Jake's and finally, Jungwon brought him back to reality.

"When are you gonna look away from golden retriever over here?" Jungwon jokingly asked him as he watched his brother. A groan left Sunoo's mouth and the latter playfully nudges Jungwon's arm. Jungwon chuckled and glanced at Sunghoon who also stole a glimpse at Sunoo, and the smile on the older's face slowly faltered as he visibly glanced at Jake and then at Sunoo. Jungwon was the only one who caught the act, and soon enough, his catlike eyes finally landed to another pair of eyes.

Jay's. The two looked at each other but Jay was quick to pretend as if nothing happened, playing it cool as he talked to Jake. Jungwon chuckled because of this, but another duo caught his attention. "Oh! Ni-ki! Bambi!" Jungwon exclaimed when he saw Heeseung and Ni-ki walking together around the different stalls. "Let's go," Jungwon held Sunoo's hand and the two walked to their other close friends.

As Ni-ki, Heeseung, Sunoo and Jungwon left to go deeper inside the university, Jay watched them as they disappeared, and finally paid his attention back to his two best friends as they agreed to go to the haunted house.

"Good day, everyone!" A voice spoke through the speakers. The students looked around and found a tall guy above the stage, holding the microphone stand. "I'm Choi Soobin from Chamber 5 University, today's MC. Welcome to the second day of Flicker Fest!"

The crowd cheered and everybody all diverted their attention to the man who was speaking. "For today's program, students may do whatever they want with the booths and food stalls. There will be different kinds of places to go to inside a Chamber 5 classroom, as long as there is a label on the door. We have a haunted house, movie room, anything you can imagine! We also have a marriage booth, jail booth, and nobody gets to escape if they were taken to a booth by a student council officer!"

"Can you marry me off to Jake, pretty please?" Sunoo jokingly whispered in Jungwon's ear, causing the two to burst into laughter.

"How does it work? Well," Soobin started explaining, "any student can request two people to be taken away for some alone time in the booth," Soobin raised his eyebrows up and down and the students cooed. The MC laughed and waved it off, "kidding, but seriously, we don't have a kissing booth so don't expect it!"

The crowd laughed and Jake started looking around. "Shit, I swear if Won gets taken to a booth with some random creep...," he mumbled under his breath.

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