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It was the first time someone told him that, so Jungwon didn't know what to say. He felt his heart thump as his eyes only stared into Jay's. 'What do I say?' He pursed his lips to contain his panic.

'What do I tell him?'

'I like you, too? Hyung?'

'How about... Wowww~?'


'Cool. L E T apostrophe S G O! Let's go! Let's date?'

'Kidding, too fast.'

As he opened his mouth to speak, Jay stopped him. "Ahh, you don't have to say anything. I just thought of telling you that, because I wanna express my feelings somehow," the older slightly smiled and turned the car on again so he could start driving.

Jungwon only bit his lip and nod, looking away and then back at the sunset.

He still couldn't process. How can Park Jay fall in love with him?

'I need to think of my feelings, too. I'm still unsure, Seongie hyung. I promised myself that I won't commit to a relationship yet. But I don't want you to keep waiting for too long, too.'

'Please, give me more time, and I'll be sure with my decisions.'

'And when that time comes, I promise I'll make you the happiest, hyung. I'll tell you everything on my mind.'

'Just give me more time...'

'You're precious to me, Jay hyung. I'm madly in love with you, too.'

"Let's go home," Jay slightly smiled and drove the car once again.


"Jungwonie? One~?" Jay peeked his head inside Jungwon's room. It had been three days, and Jay was there again in Jakewon's house. It was already nearing nighttime.

"Mm, hyung! Hey~," Jungwon flashed him a smile. He was playing a game on his phone, laying down in his bed with Maeumi. Contrast to the patterned pajamas Jungwon wore, Jay wore a blazer over his shirt and pants as he walked over to Jungwon's bed.

"Are you free?" Jay asked him. "Let's get dinner together?"

"Definitely!" Jungwon excitedly stood up from his bed. "Wait.. but why are you wearing formal clothes?" Jungwon chuckled, his eyes squinting as he giggled with his dimpled perking up. A smile made its way to Jay's face as he reached to ruffle Jungwon's hair.

"My parents want to meet you."

"Oh," the smile on Jungwon's face slowly faltered and worry replaced the sparkles glinting in his eyes. He felt nervous, Jay's parents had the vibe that they were expensive. Even their son was dressed up well. "I'm a little nervous... Do you think they'll like me?" He whispered.

"One..," Jay cupped Jungwon's cheeks and laughed a bit. 'What a cutie,' he thought, "they'll love you."

Jungwon slightly smiled and nodded his head, "alright, Seongie hyung."


Jungwon felt cold sweat. Jay stopped his car in front of a building. "Let's go, One. Their favorite restaurant is just around the place."

The two stepped off the car and Jungwon slid his hand into Jay's. They walked in silence, but Jay's thumb caressed Jungwon's hand to reassure the latter. "You don't have to worry about anything, hm? I swear, they aren't scary."

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