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The Flicker Fest starts tomorrow, which means the three groups of dance representatives of each elite school only had a day left to prepare. Even though it was a Sunday, a group of four boys were inside the dance practice room of Chamber 5 University.

"Geonu hyung, please start the music over again," Jungwon stated and received groans and complaints from Daniel and Jake who were tiredly laying down on the floor, while Geonu did as Jungwon says.

"Yahhhh, Wonie, can't we take a break? Just five minutes," Jake huffed and sat up straight, "we're really tired of practicing for an hour straight."

"We can't stop now, every second is important. Alright, get in position, we have to start again," Jungwon sighed.

There he was again. Yang Jungwon, the seemingly dark-haired cutie with dimples that added to his charisma, was being another pain in the ass for his teammates— well, that's what they think, but for Jungwon, everything has to be in the utmost perfect spot, no dullness, not a single mistake. Especially since only the four of them will be representing Chamber 5 University for the Flicker Festa the next day, he surely did not want to be a disappointment to the entire school.

"Try to sing live while dancing. It's important because we'll be singing live tomorrow," Jungwon said. As the four went to their positions for the beginning verse, the music started to play.

"Fall, fall, fall~," Jungwon began, but the sound of knocks and the door opening interrupted their practice for I Need U. Jungwon sighed and sat up straight, almost began to complain to whoever the person was that he placed a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign at the door. He realized it was the dean and let out a thankful sigh to himself for controlling the words that nearly left his mouth.

The rest of the dancers sat up straight and Daniel quickly fixed his hair. "You are all probably wondering why I'm here today," the dean, Taehyung, sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck as if he didn't want to come in the first place, "sorry for disrupting your practice. But the two other schools, I&Credible University and Calling University are here on our campus at the moment. Since Chamber 5 is the venue for this year's Flicker Fest, they're here to spend the rest of the afternoon to practice and rehearse on stage."

'Did I hear that correct?' The thought rang in Jungwon's mind.

'I&Credible... University?'

'They're HERE?!'

Jungwon quickly stood up and nodded his head. "Yes, sir, we understand. Is there anything you would like us to do?"

"Oh, please, I don't really care about anything you four do," Taehyung muttered while waving it off, "but deliver them some food and drinks in the other dance practice rooms they are in."

"Alright, I'd be more than honored to give I&Credible dancers something to enjoy eating!" Jungwon bowed his head and Jake resisted the urge to laugh at him right now. It was like the younger's entire mood changed after hearing what the dean had to say, because now he was rocking his heels back and forth and making tiny jumps that indicated he was excited.

"Pfffft," Daniel scoffed and a laugh escaped his mouth, "you forgot Calling University!"

"Oh right," Jungwon mumbled. Taehyung inaudibly chuckled and bid them goodbye, leaving the dancers alone. "Alright, you guys can do whatever you want for fifteen minutes! I'll go to I&Credible's practice room. Is there anyone who wants to accompany me?"

"Me," Jake stood up and waved at Geonu and Daniel. The two left the room and Jungwon looked at his reflection in the window panels of the rooms they passed by in, using it as a mirror. His fingers started combing his hair and the boy beside him couldn't help but scoff.

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