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Jungwon had been waiting for Jake and Sunoo outside of the restaurant. After receiving Jay's text that the two couldn't make it, he started lightly kicking the rocks while muttering complaints under his breath. Park Jay and Yang Jungwon? Alone? Again? Well, it wasn't like he was complaining, no, but Jungwon just felt like if he kept being with Jay, he would grow attached. After receiving another message from Jay saying to get inside the restaurant, Jungwon looked at the restaurant to see Jay sitting on the table beside the glass wall, watching him while holding his phone.

Jay looked at him with a small smile etched on his face. The younger heaved a sigh and eventually went back as well.


"You are really educated about these etiquette stuff," Jungwon muttered while slicing his steak, glancing at Jay who sipped on the wine they ordered. Jay flashed him a smile which Jungwon copied, "you are kinda cool, hyung."

Jungwon couldn't even believe himself. The more he and Jay got to talk, the more impressed and amazed Jungwon was. "Yeong-gu Street.. Do you know the legend about this place?" Jungwon asked while his cat-like eyes peered over at Jay. The curiosity that tinged in his eyes made Jay smile, seeing how Jungwon's eyes widened a bit without the younger realizing.

"No, I don't think so," Jay stared at Jungwon and glanced at his steak, slicing and taking bites out of it from time to time.

"Well, the legend says that people who go inside Yeong-gu by serendipitous events stay together," Jungwon stared back at Jay's eyes, "thus it has its name. Yeong-gu, which means everlasting. It's just a legend, it's pretty fun."

"Ahh," as if he was a lovestruck fool, Jay smiled widely and took a sip of his wine. "I guess we're fated to stay together worth a lifetime.. and probably more."

"Huh- What?" Jungwon mumbled, trying to hide the fact that he was flustered as he took his eyes off Jay and looked at the steak in front of him as if it was an answer key to an exam.

Jay laughed and continued to stare at Jungwon who was looking at everything but Jay. "Well.. Everything has happened pretty serendipitous around us, doesn't it? Like how I became friends with Jake in that airport after moving here in Korea, and it was after Jake's summer camp. I also got to meet you during the Flicker Fest without knowing that you were Jake's brother all along, and now, this dinner for just the two of us right here. It all happened because of pure coincidence."

Jungwon slightly smiled and nodded his head, finally looking in Jay's eyes but pulling away once again to avoid eye contact. He couldn't handle it yet, he felt like his cheeks would warm up if he did. And suddenly, Jungwon thought of Heeseung. 'No. I have a crush on Bambi. Not Jay! Pull yourself together, Jungwon.'

Awkwardly clearing his throat and smiled off the thought in his head, Jungwon looked at Jay curiously. "Uh, so.. What's your background? I mean.. Hello, Calling University, damn. You must be pretty talented or rich to get there," Jungwon muttered.

"Isn't it the same with Chamber 5 Academy, though?" Jay chuckled a bit before trying to finish the rest of his meal. "Well, my dad is a CEO of a travel agency. US-based. That's pretty much it, I'm the only son in my family so I'll have to take over it someday. Honestly, I'm kinda looking forward for it. What about you?"

"Well, our dad is-," Jungwon suddenly chuckled and he shook his head as he found the situation funny, "ah, I guess it's already pretty cliché.. My dad owns a clothing line and it's based in Australia. We used to live there until we moved here in Korea," Jungwon mumbled and he caught how Jay's eyes widened.

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