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jungwon cutie

jungwon cutie
hoon hyung's coming for a sleepover!!

my seongie hyung 💗
Won, sorry, I'm busy.

jungwon cutie
oh jjsdjsjjs sorry for bothering you 🥲

my seongie hyung 💗
What? No, you're never a bother...

my seongie hyung 💗

my seongie hyung 💗

my seongie hyung 💗
You didn't let me finish ☹️

my seongie hyung 💗
I'm going to your house later, too. Sunghoon and I wanted to go to Jakey's room again after a long while, and your brother let us come for a sleepover.

my seongie hyung 💗
We've slept there before but you weren't home that time. It was like for a week, and Jake said you weren't home because you were with your dad.

my seongie hyung 💗
So, I'm really looking forward to see you.

my seongie hyung 💗
Won? ☹️

my seongie hyung 💗
I'll finish the project ASAP.

my seongie hyung 💗
I hope you're safe.


my seongie hyung 💗
Hey. It's been ten minutes. Are you okay?

my seongie hyung 💗
I'm a bit worried.

my seongie hyung 💗


my seongie hyung 💗
Call me if anything happens.


my seongie hyung 💗
Wonie it's been thirty minutes

my seongie hyung 💗

my seongie hyung 💗
I called Jake. He told me you were eating.

my seongie hyung 💗
I'm glad you're safe. Text me? The project's almost done, anyway, I'm just letting Minji do the rest since I was the one working on it earlier.


my seongie hyung 💗
Just finished. I'm heading home right now.


my seongie hyung 💗
Currently eating my dinner. This reminds me of the breakfast you bought me earlier. I enjoyed it, by the way. 😄

my seongie hyung 💗
I'm already packing some of my stuff for the sleepover. I'll see you in thirty minutes.


my seongie hyung 💗
Hey, I'm leaving the house now. I'll see you when I get there!


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