My Pretty Boy (JiLix) [PART 2]

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Pairing: Jisung & Felix

Genre: Mafia AU, Yandere AU

!!TW!! : Felix only speaks English in this (barely understands any Korean) so Korean will be italicized, angst, mentioned drugging, mentioned kidnapping, captivity, non-con change of appearance, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, objectification




Felix didn't know how he did it. All he knew was that he'd managed to somehow swipe one of the mansion's master keys from Changbin and he'd immediately made a run for it, using the cover of the night in hopes it'd make it harder to pursue him. If he could only make it back to the city, then surely he'd be able to seek help!

The freckled boy had been held captive by Jisung for the past few months. He couldn't tell how many because Jisung liked to keep him unaware and, eventually, Felix lost track of the time. However, he knew it had been for a long while – too long. He needed to go back home and clear his brother's name.

I can't get caught, Felix thought, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he kept on running, his bare feet hurting like never before as rocks and twigs cut them open with each step. I won't get another chance like this!

Living with Jisung was... difficult. Any escape attempt before this one had been met with severe reprimands and hours locked up in a cramped cage and plunged into complete darkness. Every time he talked back or acted out, Jisung would lock him up and leave him completely isolated, badly suffering from the ambient cold and usually getting sick afterward because of the intense humidity.

One thing Jisung never did was lay a hand on him. The boy – who just so happened to be one of the most feared gang leaders in the city – was completely obsessed with Felix's looks, so he always refrained from outwardly damaging him. Jisung liked to treat him like a doll, really. He brushed Felix's hair every time he felt like it, could spend hours dressing him up in pretty clothes or doing his makeup, and he constantly showered him in mindless praises about his appearance – Felix was getting sick of all of it.

Now, looking in a mirror, he could hardly recognize himself anymore, and it scared him more than anything else Jisung could possibly do.

Stealing the master key from one of Jisung's most trusted men hadn't been an easy feat, and Felix had had to downplay his intelligence for weeks before Changbin and everyone else finally started underestimating him. While usually keeping to his room, Felix was actually free of roaming the mansion as he pleased, and going outside if accompanied, so he'd used that opportunity to play Changbin like a fool and finally make his grand escape.

Felix wasn't stupid. He'd ensured he wasn't wearing or carrying anything that could be possibly chipped. And, while he hadn't triggered any alarms when escaping, he knew for a fact that Jisung would have noticed he was gone at that point – all the more reason to keep on running, no matter how much his feet hurt or how hard it was becoming to breathe.

It was starting to get lighter outside, though. Morning was slowly coming in and Felix wasn't any closer to the city. He couldn't stray from the road, else he'd lose his way, but he also couldn't stay too close – it'd make it way too easy to spot him from a distance.

But then, as if on cue, something caught his attention – a small farm, further in the distance.

I can find help there, he realized, hope surging in his chest. They surely have a phone; they can call the police and then I'll be safe!

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now