Never Gonna Let You Down (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix

Genre: Non-Idol AU

!!TW!! : mild angst, pretty much just tooth-rotting fluff

(requested by @emeraldjade)




Moving to South Korea to pursue his studies in dance hadn't been easy on Felix. Even though his family was extremely supportive of his dreams and ambitions, he was basically leaving behind everything and everyone he'd ever known, and starting over on his own in an entirely different country and culture was just a bit complicated.

Thankfully, he met seven special people who made it just a bit easier.

He met Jeongin first because they happened to share a dorm together. Jeongin was a year younger, but he was wickedly smart and had skipped a grade thanks to that. And, barely a day after befriending Jeongin, he met Seungmin and Jisung, who happened to be friends of Jeongin in the room across from theirs.

Kicking off the year with three new friends was a little less intimidating than he'd expected, even though they didn't have many classes together. And then, when he had his first class specific to the Dance Course, he was approached by a pair of very handsome students – Minho and Hyunjin. He knew from the get-go that they were dating, the pair didn't care much for hiding their relationship, and Felix found them adorable. He then found out they were also friends of the other three, with Jeongin having asked them to keep an eye out for Felix and be nice to him.

The freckled boy was admittedly touched, and he enjoyed their company a lot, so he eagerly accepted when the dancer couple invited him to have lunch with them and the rest of the group – and that's when he met Chan and Changbin. They were both students in production and management, apparently determined to create their own music label, but what really hooked Felix was the fact that Chan also happened to be Australian.

They hit it off wonderfully and, in a matter of days, Felix had found himself an amazing group of friends on whom he knew he could count on should the need arise – and it did, and they proved him right.

They helped him out with the language barrier. They helped him out with the teachers and the lessons when he couldn't fully keep up. They helped him out with getting accustomed to the culture, from honorifics to food. They helped him out when he got homesick or when the pressure of his course became too much or when the stress of exams almost drove him mad.

They were good friends – great friends, really. So, it was no wonder Felix fell for... well, all of them.

Which was a problem, obviously. Minho and Hyunjin were openly dating, he was pretty sure Chan and Changbin were also a thing, and he'd heard Jeongin rant about Seungmin's good looks enough times to know the younger had a crush, at the very least.

What he didn't know was that the entire group was, in fact, dating each other.

And they were all very interested in him.

Weeks of budding friendship and growing crushes eventually bloomed into a tentative romance as Jisung asked Felix out – he'd beaten all of the others in a fierce rock-paper-scissors contest, meaning he'd earned the right to come out about their polyamorous relationship to the freckled boy and, well, invite him to join them (they didn't want to overwhelm him or make him feel cornered by confronting him as a group, hence why they'd decided to pick one person, and Jisung was the lucky winner).

Felix was intrigued, to say the least, and admittedly a bit embarrassed – both for not having realized the nature of their relationship sooner, and also because the people he'd slowly started falling for actually reciprocated his feelings, and he didn't quite know what to do with that information. He decided to give it a shot, with the promise that, should things not work out as they wanted them to, then it wouldn't affect their friendship. The others were overjoyed, and instantly set to work on wooing the freckled boy.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now