Lovely Little (ChanMinLix) [PART 2]

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Pairing: Chan & Felix & Minho

Genre: Idol AU, Littlespace AU

!!TW!! : littlespace isn't a biological thing but it IS a commonly known/accepted coping mechanism/headspace, miscommunication, angst, insecurities, headspace, accidental self-harm, spiraling




When the pair arrived at the dorms, they found Changbin waiting for them in the living room. Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jeongin, and most importantly Felix were nowhere to be seen, which admittedly worried them even more.

"Where is he? What happened?" asked urgently Minho.

"He's in the maknaes' room with Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung – Hyunjin's cleaning up in the kitchen," answered softly Changbin. "As for what happened... Well, from what we've gathered, he was trying to grab his little stuff in the kitchen, and he ended up breaking some glasses – he cut himself trying to pick everything up."

Minho's worry deflated a bit at that, and he scowled. "I thought something bad had actually happened, but he's just acting out again."

Chan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He needs to stop acting like a brat in need of attention—"

"Are you two fucking serious?" The pair startled, looking over at Hyunjin, who just came out of the kitchen. His eyes were red – he'd obviously been crying earlier. "Felix gets hurt and that's all you have to say!?"


"No!" Changbin cut himself off, not wanting to become the boy's target. "Felix has been nothing but a sweetheart for weeks! He's been supportive, he's been giving you space, he's been trying his hardest to help you two out without asking for anything in return!"

"He didn't—"

"We've been trying to take care of him but he hasn't' regressed with any of us in weeks because he can't slip on his own anymore! And we only just found out because he's been lying about it because he didn't want to worry any of us! And he was- he was so fucking happy when you wrote to him earlier, because it was the first time in weeks that you bothered with him at all!"

He angrily wiped his eyes to stop more tears from falling. He was clearly frustrated, greatly empathizing with the pain Felix had endured for the past few weeks, and the older members of the group were at a loss for word, still not quite realizing the extent of the damage they'd caused.

"We can't find his little stuff anywhere," added softly Changbin, picking up where Hyunjin left off because the other was too emotional to keep going. "And he wasn't just trying to grab his things in the kitchen earlier – he was throwing them away. We found his sippy cups and his plastic plates in the trash."

That finally struck something in the older two, and they blanched at once as they finally started to realize that this entire situation was a lot more than just a temper tantrum – and with their own words replaying on a loop in their heads, it didn't take them long to figure out what had triggered Felix so badly.

They'd treated him like a burden, and he was punishing himself for it.

"Fuck," cursed Chan, his throat growing too tight to breathe. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"We... We didn't mean to," whispered Minho, his horrified gaze locked on the door further down the hallway. "We didn't—"

"You two need a break – and so does Felix," cut Changbin, heaving out a sigh. "I already contacted the manager. We have the next two days off. We're going to Busan to visit Jeongin's family, and Felix is coming with us – you two can take that time to sit down, take a breath, and work things out, because there's no way Felix is going to endure any more of your bullshit after this."

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