Found Family (WooSanLix)

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Pairing: Wooyoung/San & Felix

Genre: Foster Care AU

!!TW!! : mentioned burglary incident, minor character deaths, trauma, anxiety, angst, nightmares, PTSD, unreliable representation foster care

(requested by extremebackpain)




Wooyoung and San had been on the list for about two years, now, but they'd never been contacted by the agency since other potential foster homes were always contacted first, and usually accepted to take in whatever unfortunate children the agency had happened to pick up. 

As such, they were quite surprised when, one particular evening, San's phone started ringing with the name "Yellow Wood" popping up as the contact. San had almost immediately answered.


"Hello, is this Mr. Choi San?"

"That's me, yes."

"I apologize for the short notice, but a terrible accident has just occurred, and you and your partner are the only foster home on our list that appears available. We understand that we have never had to resort to your support before, but—"

"We'll take them," cut San without a second thought. "Whoever they are, however many there are – we'll take them."

There was a pause, then a soft sigh – distinct relief.

"Thank you. The child's name is Lee Felix Yongbok. We have little to no information on the boy so far, this is all... quite a mess. As of right now, the situation is that he will be placed under your care for the week, at the end of which all necessary documents pertaining to him should have been retrieved."

"I understand. We'll make arrangements right away," assured San without missing a beat. He then gulped, dreading the answer that would come next. "And what... what happened to him?"

"Yongbok was... He was found by a neighbor, sitting on the porch of his grandparents' house with blood all over him. Emergencies at the scene declared his grandparents dead, and missing money and goods seem to indicate a burglary incident gone wrong."

"Oh, God... Is he alright?"

"He suffered from a superficial head injury, which has already been treated at the hospital. Other than that... it is unclear whether or not he's actually seen it happen. He has yet to speak a word to anyone, though."

"I see."

"Any additional information regarding Lee Felix Yongbok's case will be sent to you should the need arise. Please keep your phone and your partner's activated and within reach at all times, and expect Yellow Wood to contact you within the week."

"Will do. When should we expect him?"

"An hour, at most."

"I understand. Thank you, we'll be waiting."

The call over, San took a moment to process everything that had just happened, only snapping out of it when Wooyoung – who'd been sitting on the other couch the entire time – called out to him.


"Let's get a room ready," urged San, offering him a tight smile. "I'll tell you what I know while we do that."

Wooyoung nodded, smiling back as he jumped to his feet. Though it obviously wasn't a good thing that whoever they would be welcoming needed a foster home in the first place, they couldn't deny that they were glad to finally be of some use to the agency.

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