Knight In Shining Armor (WooLix)

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Pairing: Wooyoung & Felix

Genre: College AU

!!TW!! : mild manipulation/guilt-trip attempt, mild angst, harassment, brief non-con touching, an asshole gets punched, kind of soft beyond that actually




"Come on, Lix – it's gonna be fun!"

"I don't know, Ji... You know I'm not a party-person. Can't we just hang out together instead? Movie night and unhealthy snacks and all that stuff?"

Jisung pouted, obviously displeased. "But we always do that. Can't we do just do what I'd like to do for once? It's not like I ask you all that often, either. Can't you just make an effort? For me?"

Han Jisung was a good friend but, sometimes, his less good traits popped out – like now. Felix was painfully aware of the manipulative tactic his friend was now trying to use on him, and he hated how easily he fell for the guilt-trip every single time. As much as he loved Jisung like a brother, it didn't stop them from clashing from times to times.

(Jisung had developed a more manipulative side out of need, and Felix never blamed him for it. His friend had been raised in a pretty toxic environment, and he'd only just started unlearning all of his bad habits.)

They'd talked about it before – of how much it hurt Felix whenever his friend tried to use his feelings against him. Jisung was doing better now, really, but he still slipped from time to time.

Thankfully, even with those slips, he was still a really good person.

"I'm sorry, Lix," murmured Jisung, lowering his eyes. "That wasn't cool. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

Felix heaved out a sigh, grabbing Jisung's hand. "I just don't want to ruin your evening, Ji. I'm not good with people and I don't like drinking – I'm only going to end up trailing after you like a lost puppy the whole time, or I'll inevitably become a gloomy wallflower that'll dampen everyone's mood—"

"That's not true, Lix," protested Jisung, squeezing his hand back. "You're an amazing person, I'm sure everyone would love to talk with you! And I don't care if you follow me around all night – I'll hold your hand the whole time if it'll make you feel more comfortable!"

Felix couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "Right, because you're definitely not going to run off to suck face with Minho-hyung the moment we get there."

"Well, you know we're pretty open—"

"Ew, no!" Felix really was laughing, now. He whacked Jisung's arm a few times. "You're awful!" As Jisung laughed some more, Felix found himself relaxing. "Look, I'll... think about it. If I'm in a good enough headspace on the night of the party, I'll come – and if not, then we can just hang out at a later date, alright?"

"Sounds good!" Jisung then gave him a hug. "And sorry again. Old habits die hard, I guess."

"It's alright, I know you don't mean it."

Yes, Jisung really was a good person, and a great friend too. Felix could only feel lucky that he'd befriended someone as amazing as Jisung.


Nevermind - Jisung was a dick and Felix was going to steal all of his cheesecake.

"Oh, come on! You can't be mad at me!"

"How could you not tell me Wooyoung-hyung was going to be there!?"

"I didn't even know! He doesn't usually show up at parties either!"

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now