I Can't Leave You (ChanHyunLix)

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Pairing: Hyunjin & Felix & Chan

Genre: Supernatural AU

!!TW!! : angst, trickery, sexual advances, temptation, one non-con kiss, non-con voyeurism, non-graphic sexual content, inspired by HyunChan's "Red Light" teaser




Tears filled Felix's eyes as he ran down yet another hallway that looked exactly like all the others he'd crossed so far. He could hear the low growls and snarls of the hellhound that had picked up his scent and was now giving chase. The freckled boy had only caught glimpses of its monstrous hide, not daring to slow down for even a second.

The poor angel truly had fallen low.

It wasn't Felix's fault. He'd been tricked into getting closer to the magic portal that led to Hell and, as soon as he was close enough, someone had pushed him. Horror had filled him as he Fell, painfully aware it was a one-way trip to the most terrifying realm in existence – one filled with monsters and living nightmares and, most importantly, demons.

Felix had heard numerous stories of how angels who were unfortunate enough to Fall were condemned to a never-ending lifetime of misery. If they weren't killed by whatever hellish creature lived within the realm, then their bodies and souls were destined to rot little by little because of the miasma that was ever-present in Hell. 

He'd heard many horrifying stories about Hell, hence why he always steered clear of the portal – until today. He knew he wasn't exactly well-liked within the angel community, what with how much he stood out because of his appearance or his voice, and he'd been harassed a lot by his peers.

He never thought difference warranted such a terrible Fate, but it would seem some of his own kind disagreed.

And now here he was, running for dear life while still somehow holding onto hope that he'd be able to find an escape route, even if it was common knowledge that no one ever made it out of Hell. Felix didn't want to die, even less so to the merciless fangs of the hellish beast, and so he kept on running.

(It's not like the hellhound was the first to chase him around, either. Ever since Felix woke up in Hell, he'd been harassed and hunted by all sorts of creatures, the aura of his halo seemingly drawing them in like moths to a flame. It's not like he could turn the damn thing off or remove it, so Felix was forced to run.

The last few hours had been terrible and exhausting and mind-numbingly terrifying – the hellhound was just the worst – so far.)

Felix was running out of breath. His wings were heavy against his back, dragging on the carpeted floor that did nothing to muffle his hurried footsteps. He was panting hard, his lungs burning – he wasn't the most athletic angel around, and he internally swore to himself that if he somehow made it out of Hell, then he'd start running on the daily. 

He took an abrupt turn to the right, mostly listening to his instincts at that point. A scream ripped itself out of his throat as the hellhound's maws snapped shut mere centimeters away from his leg, and he almost fell to the ground in shock, but he managed to keep his balance and picked up the pace.

Just as he passed by one of the endless wooden doors that all looked exactly the same, however, it suddenly opened. Before Felix could even register that information, a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed his arm before pulling him inside the room. The angel let out another scream, which was instantly muffled by another hand clamping over his mouth while he was dragged further away from the door, which slammed shut mere seconds later.

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