Chapter 1

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Third-person POV:

"Welcome to Moonscape!" The Newsman said standing in front of the entrance to the Amusement park. "A place where dreams come true! And the number one place in the USA! With their terrifying Halloween mazes and their scariest rollercoasters in the world. Tonight, we have two bands competing in a extreme competition for a one hundred thousand dollar prize." The News Reporter was walking and talking with the camera as they walked into the park. "The first Band we have playing tonight is The Bunny Shooters! This band very very recently got extremely popular, about a month ago, from their very first album. Can you believe that!" He said as he walked near the stage towards what seemed like to be a fox who was helping setting up the stage. "Excuse me sir!" He shouted. The fox didn't hear him. "Sir?" The News reporter asked again. This time the fox heard him and turned around. The fox had the tips of his red hair dyed yellow like the color of his eyes and his outfit was made to look like some rockstar design like the others in his band. He had a long dark red scar on his right eye and his left arm had two long scars too. "Excuse me sir. Tell us what your thoughts are about the competition tonight?" The man ordered the fox. "Um..." He started, "I'm not actually in the band. I just set up the stage for them. I'm a stagehand." The fox explained. "Well, you're dressed like them. Are you not?" "Well... This is how we dress anyway. If you are looking for them specifically. They're behind the stage I'm pretty sure." The fox said. "Well. Thank you so much, sir. May I ask your name?" The man asked suddenly.

Foxy's POV:

"Foxy." I answered. "Well, Foxy. I wish you and your band the best of luck tonight. Thank you for your assistance." The reporter said walking away with the camera crew. I just rolled my eyes and went back to work. I am a part of the "Band" but I'm not a huge part of it. Just the sound stage guy and some other small stuff. I used to play the drums with the band. Until they decided to make me the stagehand. "Foxy!" A voice shouted on the stage. I quickly made my way up the stage and ran towards the voice. "Hey, what's up?" I asked Golden (Golden Freddy), one of the stagehands. He was wearing a purple like outfit with some star earings. I met him not to long ago and told him my job is hiring for more stage hands so he signed up. "I got a box that needs to go in the truck in the back." He said immediately tossing it to me. I caught it and nodded. "Yea. Sure thing lad." I replied struggling to carry the extremely heavy box. There was clattering inside the box when I moved it. "Don't drop it. It's fragile." "Yea, I can tell." He looked at me and sighed. "Have things been getting better with the other guys?" He asked. "No. And I doubt it will be." I replied. "I know things will get better with you all. I know it." "Well... That makes two of us. See ya Golden." I said beginning to walk past him. The stage was outside so to get to the back we had to walk through this unused and abandoned building. The building did lead to another stage but I guess they just never use it or they just really wanted the competition to be outside. Anyways, to get to the truck in the back, I had to walk through this stage area, past the "Stars" rooms, and go out the exit door. I bet back there is packed with people and The Bunny Shooters. I groan at the thought of them. They just love to push around a helpless fox. I made my way towards the stage, climbed up it, and walked towards the back. Some hallways lead to each room for the stars and the other band. This is where they set up. As I was walking through, I saw The Bunny Shooters. But one caught my eye and made my heart sink. I felt my ears droop to the side of my head just seeing him with them. It was Bonnie. Bonnie used to be this sweet, loving, joyful, smart, and caring person. We used to be best friends and best friends with our friend Freddy ever since we were five. I even grew feelings for both of them. We would do so much with each other. But Bonnie made new friends in eighth grade. A group of bunnies. He hung out with them a lot but he would also still hang out and love Freddy and me. I planned on asking them out but then Bonnie did something. One day his friends told him they wanted to start a band. Due to how popular music was at the time. Bonnie agreed to their invitation under one condition. If Freddy and I could join. They delightfully agreed and Freddy and I were given instruments to play. I play the drums, and Freddy played the keytar. We both were very good and the others really liked how we played, until we dropped our first album. Somehow, we blew up out of nowhere and we were invited to play at a festival. But we had no name. Well, a good name. So they decided to make their name The Bunny Shooters. Cause they were all bunnies. Except Freddy and I. So they made us stagehands. Well, made me a stagehand. Technically. Freddy is the sound guy. I think. But they pretty much kicked us out and Bonnie... Didn't say anything. He didn't defend us. Which left me heartbroken. He cared about his job with these guys more than us. Freddy was so upset about it that he tried to talk with Bonnie and he ignored him. So it's just been me and Fred. Alone. As I was walking past them in the hallway, I was tripped and I fell dropping the box of glass. "Awe. Foxy fell over." One of the bunny chicks said with a fake tone. "Maybe watch where you're going fag." Another bunny said. They all laughed and kept walking with Bonnie. He didn't laugh but then continued following the group. They were all wearing somewhat similar outfits. Other than their fur. Bonnie was a purple Bunny with ruby eyes. His outfit, similar to the others, was a black long-sleeved shirt with black ripped pants and a red jacket over it that said "The Bunny Shooters" on it with their logo. His hair was kinda long in the back and it was dyed black and red. Just like everyone else. I looked at the box to see it opened and items shattered. "Of course." I mumbled getting myself up. I sighed looking at the mess and then started cleaning it up by sliding it back into the box. "Hey." I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Freddy walking up to me slowly. I smiled looking at him. Freddy's been the light of my life lately and I love that about him. A month ago, some "Incident" happened with me and Freddy saw that I was extremely upset and he helped me through it. And then six days ago, he asked me out. I had no words to say so... I kissed him. He told me that he's felt these feelings for me for so long and he didn't want to hide them anymore. He said that he also had feelings for Bonnie too but he was confused about those feelings. So after tonight, or tomorrow or whenever will work, we'll try and ask him or talk to him about it. But I don't know if that's still worth it now cause hes so obsessed with those guys and how he'll feel about it. Being gay is still a huge sin nowadays and people still think it's wrong. Insanely wrong. So we still have to hide it. Like The bunny Shooters. They can fire us if they figure it out. Yes, they call me fag all the time now but they call me that because I'm always with Freddy. So they think were dating. Plus they like to make fun of me cause I'm not like them. Race wise. "Are you ok?" He asked kneeling down to help me. "Just The Bunny assholes being themselves." I answered. "Did they call you fag again?" Freddy asked standing up and helping me to my feet. "Yep." He sighed and cupped my cheek. "I'm so sorry, love. They shouldn't be treating you like that." "Well, they do because I'm not a bunny. Easy target to pick on." Freddy looked upset and then smiled. "Well at least they didn't mess up your outfit, you still look super cute." He said making me slightly giggle. "Thanks, sweetheart." I said, "Your just as cute too." Freddy was wearing a long-sleeved black tight shirt and a light blue jacket and a star holing it together in the middle, black ripped jeans, and two stars in his earings. He had dark brown fur and long fluffy hair but it was dyed light blue like the color of his eyes. Freddy is a bear. I was wearing a short-cut sleeved black shirt with a cool red ripped jacket over it and some black pants. I also had a long black, circular earring in my left ear. "I don't think mine is as pretty as yours though." I said poking his chest, "Maybe I should've picked a different color." "What?" He said, "I love your fit. It matches your beautiful eyes and your beautiful personality." I smiled and then slowly hugged him. "Hey... I know what your going through right now is hard but... We'll get you through it. Together. Ok?" Freddy said soothingly. "I know... it's just... Ye'know..." I replied stutter-stepping. He pulled away and held my hands. "Hard?" He finished my sentence. "Yea." I replied. "How about after tonight. If we try and ask Bonnie out or not. We can go on a date to that pizzaplex. Just you and I." He said, "Sound good?" I looked down at our hands for a moment and felt his warm paws holding onto mine. "Sure." I said. He giggled leaned up to me and kissed my cheek making me madly blush. "Alright." He said kneeling down and grabbing the box, "I'm going to put this in the back and act like nothing happened." He said turning around and walking. "I love you." He said turning towards me and blowing me a kiss. "I love you too silly." I replied catching the kiss. He smiled and continued walking. My smile disappeared when he walked away. "All we can do is dream, Freddy." I told myself, "All we could do is dream." I started walking the other way. I walked out of the area and into the abandoned stage room and saw someone come from behind the curtains. It looked like someone from the other band. "Oh hello." He said walking up towards me. He was wearing a rockstar outfit so I guessed he was from the other band. "Hi." I replied, "Are you from the other band?" "Yea. I'm Glam (Glamrock Freddy)." He said with a chuckle. "Oh. I'm Foxy." I said. "Well, Foxy. I wish your band the best of luck." He said putting out his hand. "Oh, I don't play for the band." I said. "You don't? Your dressed just like them though." He asked. "Well... I used to play with them until they decided they wanted to be The Bunny Shooters so I was made the Stagehand." "What? Thats dumb." He said. "Yea." I said with a sigh, "Maybe it was for the better though." "No way. I bet you were really good when you played." "I played the drums. That doesn't require a lot though." "Hell yeah it does. I bet you were amazing at it." "Eh. I guess I was pretty good." "After the contest, you should show us. My friend, Monty, would love to hear you play. He's a drummer too." "Um... I can't tonight. I got a date to go to." I said scratching my neck. "Oh. Thats awesome. Well if you are ever down to..." He said pulling something out of his back pocket and handing it to me. "Call this number and just say that I asked you to play. Or just ask them to put me on the phone." He said as I opened the folded paper. It was a poster for their band and then a phone number at the bottom. "The Sledgehammers." I said reading the name of the band. "Yep. I picked the name and everyone liked it. I would say call me but I don't really have a house number." "Heh. Neither do I." I mumbled. "Well, it's been nice talking with you Foxy. Have a good night man." Glam said walking away. "See ya." I replied. I started to make my way out of the area to the actual main stage and as soon as I made it out, I saw The Bunny Shooters. And Bonnie. There were six bunnies. The "leader" was Kai (Nightmare Bonnie), he's a complete ass but he's funny towards the others and more of a serious person. Next is Mira (Springbonnie), she is the slightly mean but the friendly one. Next is BonBon (Toy Bonnie), he's the hyper one and the sensitive one. Then there's Alyssa (Bonnet), she's the quirky one, she likes to look all hot and make some moves on Bonnie. Hopefully, she hasn't yet... Next, there's Hayden (Nightmare Bonnie). He's a pretty loud guy. He loves to be a complete dick to me more than anyone. Fuck... He loves to make Freddy extremely uncomfortable to the point where it really really hurts him and he runs to me to comfort him. And then there's Bonnie. My sweet Bunny boy. I wish he'd see through my eyes and see how much I care about him. "Hey, dipshit!" Hayden shouted. I sighed and turned to him. "What?" I asked. He got up from his seat and walked over towards me. "Nice outfit princess. Your boyfriend make it for you?" He asked getting right up in my face. "No, he didn't." I said with a sad tone in my voice, "And he's not my boyfriend." "Well, it seems like it. Cause your outfits are almost marching." He laughed, same with some of the others. I rolled my eyes and he noticed. "You ain't denying it." He said with an evil grin. I was about to walk away before he noticed something around my neck. "What's that you're wearing?" He asked immediately grabbing for my neck and grabbing the necklace chain. "Hey!" I shouted as he ripped it off. "C'mon lad give it back." I argued as the others laughed. "Oo~ what's this? A gay necklace?" He said examining it. I got pissed and stomped on his foot making him drop the necklace. I caught it and then looked at it. The chain was broken but I could fix it. "Oh no, your necklace is broken." He said with a baby tone. I felt so heartbroken looking at it broken. "What~? Is the poor Foxy's gonna cry?" I rolled my eyes again and tried to walk away. In the process, I saw Bonnie in the corner of my eye. He was looking at me with a hurt look. "You gonna go cry to your boyfriend? Cause I know he loves coming and crying to you!" He shouted making me stop in my tracks. The others broke down in laughter. I was about to say something before I sighed and continued walking. "See ya fag!" Kai shouted as the others laughed louder as I walked off the stage.

Bonnie's POV:

"See ya fag." Kai shouted to Foxy as he walked away. His ears were drooped and his tail was stiff as he walked away. He had his arms crossed and this hurt tone in his voice that I couldn't describe. He even had these weird scars too that I didn't notice before. He didn't have those a month ago. "Ha. Fucking idiot can't even stand up for himself." Mira said, "We should've just fired him instead of making him a stagehand." "But we really needed more stagehands." I quickly added. "Foxys just a dumb ass. A no life. I bet this job is the only thing that guy has left." Kai said. "No... His second job is suckin dick." Hayden said at us making everyone burst into laughter. Except me. Foxys... Foxy... I don't really know what to say about him. Or Freddy. I stopped talking with them because... Cause of these guys. They gave me this awesome job so they're awesome. Plus they support me so much. They say I'm the best guitarist in the whole band. But that's what Foxy and Freddy said too. They both look so sad now. Maybe I should- "Bonnie? Hello~?" Alyssa said snapping me back to reality. "Sorry. I kinda dazed out." I apologized. Then a door opened and I saw Freddy. He was wearing a cool little outfit and had a clipboard in his hands. "Hey, there you guys are," Freddy said quickly walking up to us. "What do you want?" Kai asked. "Well I just got info that you guys are playing first so here is your list of songs to play first." Freddy said handing Kai the clipboard, "You guys are on in an hour." "Cool. Thanks, fag." Kai said. "No problem," Freddy replied as he slowly began to walk off. "Hey!" Hayden shouted to Freddy. He quickly turned around to us, "Just in case you didn't know. You dumbass boyfriend ran off the stage crying." His face immediately went from natural to sorrow. He sighed and then left the backstage. "Ha. He's definitely going to find him. And he's gonna give him seven thousand smooches." Hayden said scrunching up his face and talking like a baby. They all laughed again while I watched him walk away. He seemed worried. Did he actually take that seriously? "Welp. We start in an hour so I'm gonna go drop a load before we start." Hayden said getting up. I wanna know what's wrong with them. Should I go talk to them? No. They'll think I'm crazy. I haven't spoken to them in weeks. Well... Like a just us conversation. Fuck it. I'm gonna go talk with Freddy. "Yea I'm gonna go too," I said getting up. "Aw, why? Where are you going?" Alyssa said. "I'm just... Heading to my room to grab something." I said. "Well be back soon bunny boo." She sang. I quickly turned around and left. Ok... Find Freddy. Shouldn't be too hard. Just look for a bear wearing a cute outfit. Cute? Um... That's a weird way to describe it. I got off the stage making sure Kai or any of them were watching me and then I ran towards the crowd of people. I just have to talk with Freddy and see what's wrong with him and Foxy.

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now