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"Furnando, please," Hoseok pleaded with the orange cat as it dug its claws into the grass lawn outside of Seokjin and Namjoon's building. Hoseok was only a couple weeks into being a new parent and he was already exhausted. Furnando was a great cat, but he was very stubborn. And for some reason, he had a strong dislike for the expensive high-rise that towered over them.

Yoongi sighed, taking the cat leash from Hoseok and grabbing Furnando off the grass, keeping it at arms length to avoid the sharp claws. He had had multiple tiny scrapes all over his body from the cat's random tantrums. Furnando seemed to dislike Yoongi almost as much as Yoongi pretended to dislike Furnando.

"We should've left the fleabag at home."

Furnando hissed at the dark-haired man.

"He's not a fleabag," Hoseok frowned, "And remember what happened last time we left him in the loft alone? I don't really want to deep clean the carpets again."

"Yeah you right," Yoongi conceded, leading them into the lobby. The doorman shot the couple and their scruffy cat a strange glance as they passed through the threshold.

When the pair arrived up at the penthouse, the rest of the Suga's staff greeted them at the door. Hoseok immediately broke into a grin as Jungkook split from Taehyung's side and ran up to hug him. He hadn't seen the young brunette in weeks, not since the restaurant had been shut down, and he had missed their daily gossip and the youngster's wild ideas.

"Hobi!" Jungkook squeezed him tight.

Hoseok patted him on the back, "Hi Kook, how've you been?"

"Good, I-" Jungkook paused, glancing past Hoseok's ear. "IS THAT A KITTY?"

The youngest immediately detached, rushing over to the cat in Yoongi's arms. "Can I hold him?"

The mint-haired man gladly gave Furnando over. He and Hoseok made their way into the penthouse over to the dining room table where Seokjin and Namjoon were seated, taking seats across from the men. "Thanks for doing this Seokjin," Yoongi smiled.

"No problem, we all want to get Suga's back," Seokjin motioned to the staff, leaning his elbows on the table, "But you should really be thanking Joon, it was his legal connections that made this all possible."

It was true that Namjoon was just as invested in saving the restaurant as the rest of them. Despite still pretending to dislike Yoongi, when Seokjin had told him about the situation, he immediately sprang into action. Injustice like that couldn't be allowed to take place.

He began speaking to some of the legal team at HYBE, the same lawyers who protected TXT, suing all of their crazy stalkers and taking care of defamatory statements. Safe to say, they were very good at their jobs. One of the younger lawyers took sympathy with the situation, agreeing to meet with the head chef to discuss the situation.

"Oh well, thanks Namjoon," Yoongi said begrudgingly.

"It's whatever Pipsqueak," Namjoon brushed off the comment, "This is one of the lawyers from HYBE," He turned to a figure who was standing in the kitchen, grabbing himself a soda from the fridge. Yoongi hadn't even noticed the suited man when he had walked in.

"Meet Jackson Wang," Namjoon introduced, "He'll be working on your case."


Yoongi' eyes went wide at the familiar face of the man he had once met in the bar. Even though he had been slightly tipsy at the time, the man's strangely helpful advice could've never been forgotten.

"Yoongi!" The Chinese man grinned, "Nice to see you again! What a crazy coincidence!"

Hoseok poked his boyfriend's arm, "You know him already?"

"Uh yeah..." Yoongi managed, "We met once."

Jackson leaned over to Yoongi. "I hope you liked the cat."

"What is that supposed to-"

"Well isn't that great!" Seokjin exclaimed, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention, summoning Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook (Furnando in arms) to the table. "Why don't we get this meeting started then?"

Everyone took their seats, patiently waiting for Seokjin to start the meeting. He stood up at the end of the table, smiling at the group. "Thanks everyone to coming to the first Operation Save Suga's meeting. With Jackson's help, we're going to take Park Jin Young to court and get the restaurant back! Chef Min, is there anything you'd like to say before we begin?"


"Great pep talk boss." Jimin snickered sarcastically.

Seokjin ignored him. "Alright let's get started then."



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