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"You went to the zoo, and you didn't invite me?" Jungkook pouted.

Hoseok had been in the midst of telling the kitchen staff about his date the day before, and Jungkook was slowly becoming more and more jealous as he went on.

"It was a date Kook," Seokjin explained, "If you want to go to the zoo, why don't you take Taehyung?"

"I know," Jungkook sighed, "I just really wanted to show Hobi my favourite dinosaurs."

Seokjin and Hoseok stared at the youngster in shock.

"Kook, you don't... you don't think that dinosaurs still exist right?" Seokjin asked hesitantly, trying to read the brunette's blank face.

"Of course they do Jin you silly goose," Jungkook replied confidently, "Haven't you seen the Jurassic World movie? And The Good Dinosaur? All the dinosaurs live in South America, that's why we never see them."

"Kook, those are all CGI and animated dinosaurs," Seokjin explained slowly, "The real ones all died when a big meteor hit the Earth sixty-six million years ago."

"What?" Jungkook's bottom lip began to wobble, and a hurt expression flashed over his brown puppy dog eyes, like a child finding out that Santa Claus isn't real. "You're lying."

Hoseok immediately brought an arm around the boy's shoulder as he shot a mean glare at his best friend. "Seokjin hyung's just pulling your leg, right Jin?"

"" Seokjin let out a sigh of defeat. "Yeah sure, dinosaurs are real. They all run around South America, vibing on the beaches of Brazil."

"Oh okay... good," Jungkook sniffled, "You really had me convinced for a second Jin hyung."

The group got back to work, prepping and filling orders as quickly as they could on the busy Monday dinner rush. After a few months of working together, they all moved smoothly in the kitchen. Hoseok was still learning and occasionally needed help, but he was more-or-less comfortable with the restaurant menu and didn't make that many mistakes anymore.

That day, he was working quickly and efficiently, really in a good groove to expedite his orders on time. When the kitchen door swung open, Hoseok barely even noticed the footsteps coming into the kitchen.

Not until he heard that grating tone. A creeping chill traveled down his spine as he swung around coming face to face with the sickening snarl of the health inspector, Park Jin Young.

Seokjin took a step towards the inspector, his lips pressed into a line. "Mr. Park? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just another random inspection," The old man snickered, pulling the clipboard out of his suitcase.

"But you were just here last week?" Jungkook reminded him. "Isn't that too soon?"

"Shut up dishwasher," Park Jin Young hissed, "The law allows me to inspect whatever restaurant I please, whenever I please. I don't need you to tell me how to do my job boy."

As the man began wandering around the kitchen, Hoseok shuffled over the Jungkook, leaning over so the inspector couldn't overhear.

"Kook, go get Chef Min. I don't have a good feeling about this."

Jungkook nodded and rushed out to go find the boss.

"Well would you look at this," Park Jin Young stuck his arm into the industrial refrigerator and pulled out a Ziploc bag, holding it up in front of him like a trophy.

"What is that?" Hoseok squinted at it. The unfamiliar baggy was filled with some green mossy material that neither of the chef's had seen before. It didn't look like any of the usual fridge ingredients.

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