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"Jungkook, what did you bring for lunch?" Seokjin politely made conversation in the staff break room. When he had walked in, Jungkook was sitting cross-legged in the corner, crazy-eyed and hunched over his lunch box like he was afraid someone would steal it from him.

"I don't know anything!" The boy shouted frantically.

Seokjin blinked at him blankly. "You don't know what you brought for lunch?"

"Stop asking!" Jungkook looked like he was about to cry, so Seokjin just left it, sitting down at the lunch table and opening his own lunch. A 5-course meal, of course - he was Kim Seokjin.

Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin walked into the lunch room as well to start their breaks, joining Seokjin at the table. Taehyung glanced over at the brunette sitting in the corner. "Kook, you good?"

Jungkook made a squeaking noise, his eyes fixed on Hoseok.

"He's really squirrelly today," Seokjin told his coworkers, "Even more so than usual."

"DON'T WORRY HOBI I DIDN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING," Jungkook exclaimed suddenly, visibly sweating. He had never been that good under pressure- even when there was absolutely no pressure at all.

"Tell us anything?" Taehyung asked.

Seokjin cocked an eyebrow at his best friend, the red head's cheeks now matching his hair colour. "What's he talking about Hobi?"

"I uh- I just-" Hoseok stammered.

"Jungkookie hun," Jimin started, turning towards the brunette boy who immediately perked up at his crush's voice. "Tell us what you're going on about."

"I saw Hobi and Chef Min kissing in the kitchen this morning!" Jungkook blurted instantly. He probably would've eaten his own foot if Jimin had asked him to. Even still, he stared down at the floor, guilt sweeping through him as he revealed Hoseok's secret, but the other's were no longer paying attention to him. They were all intently focused on an extremely abashed Hoseok.

"HOBI?" Seokjin demanded, not quite believing his ears and shooting a distressed look Hoseok's way. Surely the dishwashing boy had been mistaken. Hoseok would never do something that brash.

"We didn't kiss!" Hoseok protested, feeling the table's judgemental eyes locked onto him. It wasn't technically a lie. They didn't actually kiss.

Taehyung put down his sandwich. "Then why did Jungkook say he saw you?" Jungkook was a little eccentric for sure, but Taehyung knew he wasn't one to make up stories out of nowhere. The opposite actually, he was entirely too honest sometimes.

"Um, well..." Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek. "We almost kissed..."

Seokjin's jaw fell open. No way. Hoseok wouldn't... he would never want to kiss his boss. Right? The stern, constantly grumpy head chef wasn't anything like Hoseok and he certainly didn't seem like the dating type. Seokjin couldn't wrap his mind around it. "WHY?"

"I don't know..." Hoseok thought aloud. He didn't really know why he had wanted the kiss to happen. He just had. The head chef was handsome, for sure, and Hoseok supposed that his cooking expertise made him really cool, but it was more than that. Every time their eyes met, Hoseok just felt all warm and jittery inside. He didn't know what that meant really, but he liked it. He liked it a lot.

"Damn, good for you Hobi," Jimin applauded him, grinning widely at the new workplace drama. "I didn't really take you for a player, but you've impressed me. I have no idea how you managed to seduce that grump-" He added a cheeky wink, "Trust me, I've tried."

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