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A week later, Hoseok was already seeing the benefits of his training sessions with Yoongi. 

He was becoming much more comfortable in the kitchen, and no longer needed Seokjin's help as often. The head chef was a surprisingly patient and understanding teacher. Plus, there was the added benefit that he would give Hoseok kisses whenever the red head did a good job- a very effective incentive for Hoseok to try his hardest during their lessons.

When Seokjin dropped him off after work that evening, he was exhausted as usual. It wasn't a bad exhaustion though, just a by-product of a productive day's work. He took the elevator up to his floor and walked down the dingy hallway to his apartment, stopping at the door to read a note taped up to the door.


Hoseok's heart sank. He knew this moment was coming, since he hadn't been able to pay his rent on time, but he had hoped that his landlord would've given him a bit more leeway to get his finances sorted. The notice specified that he had to be out in three days.

Once he unlocked the door, Hoseok immediately went and flopped down on his bed, staring up at the water-stained ceiling. He had no way to earn extra money, and his next paycheque from Suga's wasn't for another week. In the back of his mind he knew that Seokjin would always help him out, but he wouldn't allow himself to bother the older. Seokjin and Namjoon spent so much time worrying about him already, and he hated feeling like he was burdening them all the time.

Hoseok's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to check the notification, hoping that it was maybe his father texting him with an update, but the name that appeared made him even happier.

Chef Min: are you home yet?

Hoseok's mood suddenly lifted. After the night in the club, his boss had asked him for his phone number, apparently so that they could discuss work-related topics.

HobiHobi: I'm home! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Chef Min: ok

Chef Min: make sure you eat something before you go to sleep

The red head glanced into his kitchen, where five packs of ramen noodles were stacked on the counter. It was basically all of the food he had left, other than a few half-empty sauces in his refrigerator. He had been trying to ration his food out as much as he could, but the rumbling in his stomach was particularly distracting after the long day's work.

HobiHobi: I'm gonna have ramen, don't worry!! ヽ( ' ` )

Chef Min: you really like emojis dont you?

HobiHobi: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

Chef Min: ill take that as a yes

Chef Min: night hoseok, ill see you tmrw

HobiHobi: Goodnight!!! (✿)

Hoseok clutched his phone tightly against his chest and giggled. How could he feel so jittery from just a few text messages? The red head got up and walked over to the sink, filling up a pot of water for his ramen when the lights in his apartment flickered out.

Hoseok blinked a few times in his pitch-black apartment, before pulling out his phone to use as a flashlight. This happened from time to time in the neighbourhood, it wasn't a big deal. He carefully navigated around his apartment to the window, where he noticed that all of the surrounding buildings still had their lights on.

That was when Hoseok realized, it wasn't a power outage.

They had shut off his electricity because he hadn't paid the bill on time.

Hoseok collapsed back down on his bed, disheartened once again. I guess I'm not making ramen after all, Hoseok thought to himself, apologizing silently to his empty stomach. He rolled over in bed, deciding that it was best to just try and get some sleep.

His mother had always told him to stay positive, but it was getting more and more difficult to follow her guidance. Positivity hadn't gotten him anywhere so far, other than completely broke and possibly homeless. He always noticed that the richest people in the world weren't always very good people. It seemed a little unfair that their unkindness would make them so successful.

Hoseok shook the thoughts from his head. No, he thought, I'm not going to let these bad circumstances change me. I have to make my mother proud.

When Hoseok fell asleep, he might have been hungry and unsure of his future, but at least he knew that his mother was watching over him with a smile on her face.



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Sorry this chapter was kinda short.

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