
21 4 1

A/N: Double update!!

"Psst," Jungkook whispered loudly, "Hobi."

Hoseok turned away form the stove to the shifting looking boy standing at the sink. "Why are you whispering?"

"It's a secret!" Jungkook eyed him, slowly but very obviously tiptoeing over to the red head as if that somehow made him less visible. "I need your help."

Hoseok giggled, "Sure Kook, what is it?"

"Well I want to take Taehyung on a date, but I'm sort of nervous about it, you know? Like, restaurants are all loud and scary and I never know what to order... so I decided that I want to take him on a date here after work because it's more comfortable," Jungkook explained. "So can you get Chef Min to keep the restaurant open late and make dinner for us?"

"That's a nice idea Kook, but I don't know if Yoongi would do it," Hoseok replied.

"That's why I need you!" Jungkook grinned, "You can convince him! All you need to do is act all flirty and stuff!"

"Uh I don't know," Hoseok grimaced nervously, "I've never been good at being flirty..."

"It's easy!" The younger man explained, "Just act like Jimin. You know, sway your hips and bat your eyelashes or something. That's why he gets the biggest tips!"

"I can't do that, Jimin's way cuter than me."

"Maybe so Hobi, maybe so. But you have qualities that Jimin doesn't..." Jungkook placed a reassuring hand on the red head's shoulder. "You have the biggest heart, unbridled kindness and most importantly, you always help out your friends in their time of need."

"Oh fine," Hoseok gave into the boy's coercion with a thin smile, "I'll ask but I can't promise anything-"

He barely got the sentence out before Jungkook had him wrapped in an overly tight bear hug. "You're the best!"


Act like Jimin. Hoseok slowly approached the boss' office. I can do that.

Hoseok opened the door, just poking his head inside. Yoongi was busy typing at his computer, probably doing something business-related like tax fraud or stonks. "Are you busy?"

Yoongi glanced up from the screen, his small mouth pulling into a wide grin at the sight of his favourite person. "I always have time for you baby, come on in."

Hoseok took a deep breath, remembering what Jungkook had told him. As he walked into the man's office, he made sure to gyrate his hips from side to side, doing his best impression of Jimin's strut. Yoongi just stared, a little dumbfounded.

Hoseok leaned on Yoongi's desk, making sure to arch his back as he leaned over Yoongi's papers. The red head batted his eyelashes flirtatiously, although it came off more as erratic blinking. Finally he sealed his efforts with something that he had overheard Jimin say to a diner once.

"Hiya Sugar Lips."

Yoongi burst out in laughter, clutching his hands to his chest. "What the fuck was that?" The man snorted.

Hoseok face fell, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout. "I was flirting!"

"Oh my god," Yoongi wheezed, desperately trying to get oxygen into his lungs. "Why?"

"Because I needed to ask you a favour and Jungkook said that I should act flirty like Jimin," Hoseok explained, crossing his arms against his chest.

"I promise to do whatever you want," Yoongi laughed, "Just please never do that again."

"You're making fun of me-"

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