🌼Garden of glory🌼

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🌼Prince Alex's point of view 🌼

It was wierd to walk so slow, but it was kind of nice. The human girl is such a curious creature, yet her pleading eyes broke my heart.

I looked down at her, she was looking at me before glancing to the ground, her hand flickering to the leash before moving back to her side.

She's not as aggressive as I'd first expected. She acts defensive and scared, it's unusual really. Yet she's still not what I had expected.

"Pepper, do you have a favourite flower?" I asked, she looked up at me, her demeanor sad, like a kicked puppy.

"Flower? I don't know" she replied, I don't think I've met a person who didn't have a favourite flower.

We approached the cobblestone path surrounded by garden beds of flowers, statues and a water fountain.

She glanced at the flowers and statues, moving slightly towards the delicate plants before stopping and glancing back at me.

I want her to smile. I might have given a bad impression of myself though.

"Do you like any of these flowers?" I asked, she glanced around at them, seeming to scrutinise each one.

"I don't know" she admitted, I examined the unique plants and walked her over to some clumps.

"These purple ones are night raiders, at night the inside pollen starts to glow and all the little bugs that catch the pollen on their feet glow as they walk around. Making it look like the flower is raiding at night" I explained, she touched the silky petal and nodded.

"The yellow ones next to it, are yellow leechers. They have flaps under the petals which capture the tiny bugs that fly around and eat them" I explained, she seemed surprised by that.

"Flowers can eat bugs?" She asked, I nodded, glad that she's finally involving herself.

"yes, there are common bug eater plants, some can even eat small mice and frogs" I explained, she seems shocked, it's kind of funny.

"The night raiders are nice" she stated, I laughed now, she hasn't even seen them all yet.

"You haven't seen them all Pepper. Don't you want to?" I asked, she rubbed her arm and sighed.

"I don't like having things I like alot. It's just.... Hard" she mumbled, that's not what I expected.

"Hard? It's just flowers. Why do you think like that?" I asked, she shook her head and sighed.

"Hello my prince" came a strangely familiar voice, I looked up at a tall man, he wore a fancy suit and was slightly bowing.

I stood up from my kneeling position and wiped my clothes of any dirt or pollen.

"Hello.... What's your name again sorry?" I asked, he smiled and held out his hand, I slowly gave him mine, unsure if he was going in for a handshake.

"Why, I am sir Frederick. One of the dukes who will be blessed with a week with you" greeted the stranger, his short cut black hair perfectly groomed and his grey eyes scanning me curiously.

He held my hand and kissed my knuckles. I could only stand and watch him, surprised by the pleasant greeting.

"Oh, I apologise for not recognising you. I was just spending some time with my new pet" I explained, he only smiled handsomely and released my hand.

"That is quite alright, your human is very cute. Do you mind if I join you? It's perfectly fine if not." He offered, I glanced at Pepper before examining him once more.

Surely it won't hurt spending some time with him early.

"Of course, I'm certain Pepper would love to see people other then me" I laughed, she looked up at me and glanced at Frederick.

"You're not that bad" she stated, I smiled and patted her head, she huffed in response.

I tugged her forward gently and focused on Frederick. Though I was trying to point out flowers to Pepper I couldn't help eyeing him.

"Those are rain catchers. They have cup shaped petals which catch the rain and give bugs water so they can be attracted and spread the tiny pollen, it's so hard to see that even bees don't notice" I explained, pointing to a pure white flower.

"They make wonderful wine decorations and even blood catchers" added in Frederick, that's true. Many will also drink the wine or blood off the petals by tilting the flower and letting it drain into their mouth.

"In one restaurant I know of, the feeders bleed onto the flower and then you drink it from the cup. The flower adds a sweet aftertaste" explained Frederick. That does sound nice.

"I see that sounds quite fancy" I stated, he nodded and smiled his beautiful eyes meeting mine. I had to look away as I began to redden.

We sat down on a bench beside the fountain. It was a massive statue of an old king on his horse.

"Sit down Pepper" I instructed the surprisingly quiet human, she slowly sat near my feet. I smiled at her and patted her head once more.

"I might take you there on our week my prince. I'm certain you'll love it. You have what, 5 suitors including me?" He asked, I nodded. It's very hard to find male people of nobility wanting to marry a man.

At least ones of a good age.

"I just finished my first week" I explained, he nodded and smiled.

"Well I'll be a fair bit later then. Almost sad, but that just means I get more time to plan and find out what makes you happy" He chuckled, I lost my ability to speak and stared at him.

You dreamy son of a bitch.

"Well I better be on my way out before anyone accuses me of cheating. You know how people can get trying to gain someone's favour." He said, standing and bowing once more. I merely nodded my understanding and watched him walk away.

"You won't drink my blood, right?" Came Peppers small voice. I leant forward and smiled at her, running my fingers softly through her hair.

"Of course not. You're my pet, not a feeder. Besides you're not 16 yet, you couldn't even be one if you weren't a pet." I assured, she pressed into my hand for a second before moving her head away.

She's a darling.

The Vampire prince's Suitors And PetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora