🌼Boredom and law breaking🌼

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🌼This is the prince's point of view!!🌼

"Pepper. Eat up" I instructed my tired new pet, I examined her carefully. Her behaviour yesterday was very unusual, yet I guess I just scared her. I should be more careful, I can't risk ruining any respect for me.

She slowly moved from her cage and sat down on the floor, a bowl on her lap as she ate, seeming pretty hungry.

I should have fed her yesterday, but I can't change it now.

My plate long since emptied, it had taken a while to wake her.

"Be sure to stretch and move a little. You'll be locked away all day after all" I explained, she didn't look at me, to busy with a spoonful of porridge.

I left the room to bathe, deciding that she'd be fine. She knows the rules and if she breaks them, she'll learn the consequences. It's all about learning.

Once I finished in the warm fresh bath, I dressed into an elegant suit, happy with the lovely red jacket, and grey shirt, I exited the bathroom.

For a moment I couldn't see her, though she quickly became obvious as she stared out the window behind the closed blinds. I approached her figure and swiftly flung open the blinds.

I noticed as the smile fell from her face, she looked nervous. I have no clue why, she can't have been escaping, the window doesn't open. She must have just gotten a fright from my sudden appearance.

"Go to your cage now. I'm leaving" I instructed, I watched her glance outside at the birds before skulking back to her cage, moving inside and watching me, the cage locking behind her.

"Good. I'll see you tonight" I said.

"All day? But that's so boring" I could hear her whine.

"You'll be fine. No complaining" I told her. I shut my door and left to meet the first suitor. A lord, by the name Justin. I've met him before, he's a stuck up fellow, with the nicest hazel eyes I've ever seen.

I met him at the front entrance of my castle, he bowed and grasped my hand, kissing it lightly.

"I will be certain to please you my prince" he promised. I doubt it. His hair short and spiky, most say not to judge others by looks, but surely this man couldn't find a way to appeal to me, yet as required I have to give him a week to prove himself.

"Of course. Let's go on this date you planned" I encouraged. Mentally gagging on my words.

We pulled up to a fancy restaurant, I followed him inside, it seems he bought the whole place out, not a single other person was here other then staff.

A friendly host ushered us to a table, quietness making me frustrated.

"This place is quite fancy for lunch" I pointed out, the trip here was long enough. I expected something more romantic, not some barren restaurant filled with silence.

"Only the best for my future king" purred Justin, I frowned and looked around, a waiter rushed over, a smile plastered onto her face.

"Here are our menus, what can I serve you on this fine afternoon?" She asked I examined rather the small list of expensive foods and sighed.

"Just get me the spaghetti" I replied, Justin seemed to falter at my answer, seeming to have expected something fancier.

"Yes my prince"

"I'll, have the lamb shanks" added Justin, of course he'll go for the more expensive option.

The waitress ran off as the host walked over with a small human child, they mustn't be over the age of 8. I can't even tell their gender.

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