A family by any other name

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I clung to his coat, so many people around. Master won't let anyone hurt me, he keeps his promises. Everyone was quiet, staring at Master and Callum in stunned silence.

"You're horrible at hiding your feelings" laughed Alex, he stroked my head before kneeling in front of Callum. Callum got hurt because he was protecting me... No one has ever done that before.

Mum never said anything when Dad was belting me for a mistake, and Dad never said anything when mum was slapping me over not being perfectly behaved.

"Really? Man, I had thought I was doing a good job" chuckled Callum.  I was cuddled to Alex's front, he stroked my back and kissed my nose.

"One of the greatest decisions I ever made was getting my pet" Alex mumbled, he looked to Callum and smiled, chuckling under his breath as I watched in confused.

"Maybe the second greatest decision" he slowly added, slightly offended, I crossed my arms.

"What's the first?" Callum asked, seeming completely confused as the wooden bracelet was put on by Alex, than Alex grabbed Callum's face, kissing him on the lips softly, Callum's face going bright red. With everyone staring, I felt embarrassed.

"You're embarrassing me" I whined, he pulled away and laughed.

"That would be my greatest decision by far" hummed Alex. Callum was bright red and everyone seemed shocked as they watched it.

"I can't beat that, I'm definitely not being chosen" laughed Dalton breaking the tense air.

"Alex! What are you doing!" Roared the king marching over, I gasped and cuddled up to Alex for safety.

"Does it truly matter who I fall in love with? My surrogate will still be a vampire" stated Alex, he shooed the guards away from Callum and untied the rope. The king looked furious and I whimpered.

"I have spent time with a few wonderful people father. As sweet as Ollie is, he's much to suggestive and quick, making us incompatible, as great as a friend as he could make. Jeff is stubborn, arrogant and an amazingly kind person. We're both not for each other. Justin is self  obsessed and much to frustrating for me. Frederick is a disgusting stain on my time sheet of events. Honestly, the only one I was vaguely considering, was Dalton, he'd proven to be a wonderful friend and a kind person to keep around." He explained.

"I am grateful for such high regards." Dalton said with a bow, Jeff laughed and whispered something to Ollie.

"Shh, not now." Whisper yelled Ollie, he was red faced, but with a big smile.

"I thought our week was quite enjoyable" stammered Justin.

"Of course you thought that" chuckled Alex, I watched Callum sit down against a wall to watch the events unfold, quickly I rushed over to him, better then being the centre of attention, he happily sat me on his lap and snuggled me close.

"Such a good girl, Alex really lucked out with such a pet" hummed Callum quietly.

"You cannot marry a werewolf! No! That's unacceptable!" Exclaimed the king.

"I was allowed a choice, and I think I made mine. Besides, wouldn't it help in strengthening the relationship with the werewolves? The werewolf king would be quite interested that one of his people became wedded to vampire royalty. As long as our babes are purely vampire, what harm would this bring?" Asked Alex, he looked around, a strange smile appeared on his face, conniving.

"Or do you not like werewolves?" Asked Alex, the king huffed and straightened his back, looking around carefully.

"Very well. If that is your wish son, you shall marry whoever you choose, so long as your children carry our royal blood. Though I still believe your... Pet is not fitting of a royal family" spoke the king.

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